Chapter 41

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Sito looked at her, dumbfounded. "Why on earth do you want to come with us? Hawote is a very dangerous place, and it is no place for an Egyptian queen."

"I am not afraid of the Crackedskulls especially if they all are like Francesco. Besides, from what I hear, it is a beautiful and wonderful place to live. I want to live among the Indians. And I will tell you this—I'm in love with you, Sito," Nefertari said.

Everyone's mouths fell open.

"Nefie, listen to yourself. The rest of the Crackedskulls are nothing like Francesco; they are very dangerous people. We are at war with them even unto the day we live in. You wouldn't be safe there, and you play an important role here and in history itself. Besides, history would change if you came with us, and it would be impossible to get you and Neiko both away. You have to make certain we escape, besides, I can't give you the love and compassion you deserve because my heart belongs to someone else in Hawote," Sito said, holding her by the arms and looking her square in the eyes.

"No matter, I can find another Indian. I'm sure there are plenty of handsome men there," Nefertari shrugged.

Sito shook his head. "Nefertari, stop it! You are not going to Hawote. End. Of. Story. Period. You couldn't possibly live in the world we live in. You can't fight, and you would have to live a dual life—and in your case maybe a triple life. We know of mysteries you have no comprehension of, and Neiko has told of a new peril that threatens Hawote and her, and he is more terrible than anything. We have to stick to the plan, and it is only to free Neiko. Once we leave you, you must make certain Ramesses never remembers Neiko or us even in the afterlife. You are the only one capable of softening his heart or pushing his buttons. Will you do it please? If you really love me, you will do what is best for everyone."

Nefertari sighed. "Yes, I will. Will you promise not to forget me? Will you please give these to Neiko?" she said handing him Neiko's turquoise ring that was a gift from Monchiska, and one of her fine necklaces. "These are a gift from me to her. I will always remember how much she loved phoenixes, so I thought she should have it," she said smiling broadly.

"Sure. Is this that ring that Ramesses threw in the lotus pool? How did you get it?" asked Sito.

" I got it when it was her turn to be with him, and I could never give it back to her while Ramesses was around because he would never hear of it, so I kept it hidden with me. It brought me luck. But, now it is time to return it to her," said Nefertari. "I might add I had to make up quite a story of why I was so wet and why the guards found me in the lotus pool," she said with a chuckle.

Sito chortled and nodded. "You're amazing. She will greatly appreciate it and the kindness you have shown her and to us. Every Indian will hear of how kind you are, and we would have never returned if it wasn't for you. What will happen if Ramesses ever found out about you loving me and you helping us?" asked Sito.

"He would kill me for sure, and I bet I would die with you, but that doesn't frighten me. I will fight with you till this is finally over. When do we leave for Thebes?" Nefertari asked.

"Tomorrow, and all of us are going. We will be in disguise and so will you. We will leave Francesco tied and locked up here, along with the crystal because we can't afford to lose it. Your gifts to Neiko will stay here too. That crystal is our ticket home, and we will die at the edge of the sword of Ramesses if we lose it. The costumes for the servant act are finished. So everyone, let's catch a few winks, and let us be on our way at dawn," said Sito as he sat the crystal and the trinkets on the table.

* * *

Ramesses searched for days to no avail. He was forced to return home to his station, but he kept his men on the search and were ordered to alert him when they found something tangible.

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