Chapter 20

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After the sun set, the Indians waited for their opportunity to pull off their prank on Francesco. They had plenty of rotten fruit. They spotted Francesco on the patio, writing, while they were hiding in the bushes.

"Move in," whispered Mactalon as they quietly snuck closer.

"Fire!" shouted Neiko, and they threw all the fruit they had at Francesco. He became covered in smelly, gooey juice and fermented insides. Mactalon came up with an overripe melon and spiked it on his head, and he became bathed in the juice and the fleshy inside. His papyrus was messed up, and he was covered in rancid fruit.

"Argh! My paper is ruined, and I'm filthy! You just wait!" Francesco snapped as he stood up.

The Indians laughed at Francesco as he stormed into the palace. They followed him laughing so hard that their sides hurt.

"What's the matter—need a bath?" asked Sito, as the Indians dragged the filthy Crackedskull outside and threw him into the lotus pool. The water was cold; his teeth started chattering, and his lips turned purple. Each Indian gave the other a high-five and went inside the palace.

Francesco got out, clutching himself, and wringing out his clothes. As he walked inside, Ramesses and Nefertari met him.

Upon seeing him, Nefertari cupped her hand over her mouth and giggled. "What happened to you?" she asked in between chuckles.

Ramesses pinched his nose at the horrible odor. "What is going on here? Did you know my lotus pools are not for swimming?" he asked, as he pulled off a leaf from Francesco's collar.

"Five Indians thought it was funny to throw rotten fruit on me and throw me into the lotus pool. The paper you wanted me to do was ruined, so it will be completed later than you wanted," he said with his teeth chattering.

Ramesses frowned. "Never mind. I have a few things to discuss with you. Do not worry about your clothes because you will have new ones. I will change a few things around here. Those five will be wearing their native attire no more. They will not be permitted to leave the palace or be let near any weapons of any kind, and they will not be using my trees for staves. You will convey this message tomorrow to them. And—oh, yes—there will be a dinner tomorrow night to tell them the news."

Francesco's eyes glittered. "Yes, but I know those five won't listen to me."

"If they don't, then tell me, and I will address them personally. They will obey my orders," Ramesses replied with a confident poking out of his chest.

* * *

The next day, the five Indians were sitting in a circle, telling stories as Francesco walked up to them, ready to deliver the message.

Sito looked up and saw Francesco in Egyptian attire. "What are you doing here?"

"I have orders from Pharaoh about you five, and there will be a few changes around here. First, you will dress like Egyptians. Second, you will not be permitted to leave these premises. And third, you will not have access to any type of weapons, and he doesn't like you ripping branches from the trees in his garden."

"Is that all?" Panthero retorted flatly.

"Yeah—you know—I love the skirt. It makes you look like the girl you really are!" Neiko punned.

Francesco looked at Neiko sourly with his hands on his hips. "I wouldn't be so smug about that if I were you because you won't be wearing that fancy Indian outfit anymore. Oh yes, there is a dinner tonight, and he expects you all to be there since he has very important news."

All of them laughed at him. "Yeah, right! You're just saying that because you want to try to pull a fast one on us. Go away," snapped Tito.

Francesco sneered. "Very well. I will just tell him you mocked him behind his back, and I'll let him deal with the lot of you."

"You do that, and we'll get you back," cautioned Mactalon, holding up his finger and waving it.

"I double-dog dare you to do it, and that'll give me a reason to beat you up," Neiko said.

Francesco threw up his hands innocently. "All right, have it your way," he said and then marched off to tell on them. He returned a few minutes later with Ramesses on his heels.

"Uh, oh. I think we're in trouble," said Neiko.

"You dare mock me behind my back? I suppose you prefer for me to address you personally—so be it. I want my commands followed to the letter, and you will change clothes now. Get up," Ramesses barked ruthlessly.

"Where do we get dressed?" asked Neiko.

"Come, I and a few of my maids will help you because your new attire is quite remarkable and very elegant," said Nefertari, taking her by the hand.

"Very nice of you to assist her, but don't tell her of our surprise," Ramesses said.

"Of course not. I'm very glad it's finished so she can try it on," Nefertari said, folding her hands and grinning.

"Try what on—what new clothes? What's this all about?" asked Neiko, scratching her head.

"Don't worry, you'll find out tonight," Nefertari said leading her off.

A few hours passed, and the four men waited to see Neiko.

"What is taking so long? How long does it take to change into a skirt, a head cloth, and no shirt? But in her case, she would be wearing a shirt," said Tito, rubbing his tawny, muscular chest, which was exposed. They were dressed in simple linen clothing.

A woman came into the room behind Nefertari, but no one could recognize her. "Hi, guys," she said, and it was Neiko.

Mactalon's mouth flew open. "Is that you, Neiko?

"Nefertari, what did you do to her?" asked Sito in shock.

"These are her new clothes. They were made specifically for her. What do you think?" Neferari asked.

Neiko was wearing a fine linen dress that shone like the rainbow and was covered in jewels complete with a jeweled collar. She had rings on her fingers including the turquoise one that Monchiska had given her. She wore gold bracelets and armlets that were encrusted with gemstones. She wore a large golden crown that was a vulture, and its wings wrapped around her face; it covered most of her head. Her hair was done in the traditional way and full of jewels, gold, and beads that clinked when she walked, and she wore traditional sandals of spun gold. She was dressed like an Egyptian queen, complete with outlined eyes. "Neiko, you're beautiful," said Tito in a whisper as he took in her breathtaking beauty.

Neiko tugged at her dress and her hair. "Guys, I feel like such a geek—I look like Cleopatra. This is so uncomfortable—it feels like Bloodhawk is standing on my head. And you think you feel stupid. This is so awkward! I can't go to dinner looking like this!"

"Oh, you'll get used to it," said Nefertari.

Neiko looked at Nefertari like she was joking. "Huh? You mean I have to wear this from now on? How am I supposed to fight in this? No wonder women were such wusses in this time," Neiko grumbled.

"You are ready for dinner, and it will be in an hour. You will find out tonight."

"Goodie," said Neiko, scratching her collar. "All of these jewels are annoying."

They all went to the dinner hall to prepare for the dinner.

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