Chapter 11

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Neiko and Tito put the last touches on their disguises and everything was ready. Tito and Senu worked with Neiko in proper etiquette so that she would fit in. She also got plenty of practice on her handicap charade. Everything was in place, and then the guests started arriving. Within two hours, all of the invited guests had arrived.

Tito walked over to Neiko to have a quick word. "Do you see that guy anywhere?" he whispered.

"No. I guess he had a party of his own," Neiko shrugged.

"Stay close. There are a lot of people looking at you," said Tito slipping his arm into hers.

"What am I doing wrong?" Neiko asked, trying not to move her mouth.

"Nothing. All of them are looking at your beauty, that's all. You have a lot of guys checking you out," whispered Tito.

A young man approached them and started talking to Neiko, but she looked at him like she couldn't hear. "I'm pleased to make your acquaintance," he said as he took her hand and kissed it. "You are—"

"This is my sister, Sat-Hathor, and my name is Thutmose. I'm afraid my sister is deaf and mute. And you are?" asked Tito.

"Sut. A truly beautiful rose; she may have a few thorns, but it does not change—" he started to say, but Tito cut him short.

"Listen. Our parents died years ago and left my dear sister in my care. I will choose whom she marries, and I'm sorry to say you will not do. Excuse us," said Tito as he took Neiko away from Sut. "I bet I'll have to drive off these guys with a stick! That is the only drawback of making you beautiful, but no one knows who you are," he mumbled to her.

"Yeah," Neiko muttered not moving her mouth. Then she saw a familiar form from the corner of her eye. Francesco had come in the door, and she poked Tito's arm and pointed him out. It was anyone's guess how he had snuck in unannounced and uninvited, but then again he was an excellent deceiver.

"What? Oh my gosh! What is that loser doing here? How did he even get in here or find this place?" Tito asked, and hot anger welled up in both of them. "Let's go tell the others," he said, leading her to the Indian party, and they told them.

After a quick word, the four split up started to subtly close in on Francesco. Neiko remained with Tito to keep up the sister/brother façade. They heard a trumpet sound a proclamation, and a man and his wife walked in with ten armed bodyguards. It was the man Neiko had seen.

Neiko tugged on Tito's sleeve frantically. "That's him! Oh gosh, there he is! That's the guy that I saw who tried to get me!" she whispered, pointing at him.

Tito looked to where she was pointing, and his mouth dropped open. He grabbed her hand and placed it down at her side. He hoped the man didn't see her pointing at him. "Don't point! Do you have any idea who that is? That's Pharaoh! It was he all along! Oh—you are in big trouble. You can't slip up now—I won't let you out of my sight. I hope Francesco doesn't give us away just to be mean. I'm gonna go tell Mactalon, Panthero, and Senu about this ASAP. Senu can't protect you from Pharaoh if he finds out you're here, and he's in danger too. I'll be right back. Don't move or bat an eyelash—stay right in this spot!" Tito said firmly and then ran to find his friends.

"Oh no! I prodded the pharaoh with a spear? Oh great—now what? My luck he'd think of it as a turn-on," Neiko grumbled.

Someone came from behind and slipped an arm into hers. Neiko gasped with surprise and turned; it was Sut. "Come now, Sat-Hathor," he said, trying to lead her off. She shook her head and pointed to the floor, signaling she couldn't move from that spot. "I do not care what your brother says. Let's go eat together," he said, pulling her from her spot to vacant places at the table.

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