I could've lost my job on the same day I got it.

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Louis pulled at the string sticking out from his bright red pants as he waited with anticipation for the secretary who was talking some gibberish to a man , he thinks he is going to work for(that is if he gets the job), in some room along with a dozen other people who wanted the job.

Louis looked over at the people waiting with him, some nervously fidgeting with their fingers, some bouncing their legs which was annoying but Louis knew how they felt. So it was okay.

Honestly, if he didn't get this job he was going to give up on life, that's a tad bit over exaggerated but Louis Tomlinson is dramatic, is very very dramatic.

Anyways, he needed this job because he could only take so much of his small boss,  literally, and his small company. The man wasn't bad, the company wasn't bad either, but being the personal secretary of a man who doesn't understand when a person is not interested in him is a bit tiring and honestly Louis needed a raise in his pay check.

He could barely feed himself and his cat with what he was earning now, not to mention his apartment needed to be fixed, there's only so much leaking water he can take on his beautiful face, honestly.

So basically he just really, really needed this job. Because they paid a shit ton, Louis didn't educate himself for that shitty job and lastly, the completely irrelevant reason—people said the owner or the boss whatever suits you is kind of like a Greek god.

What? Louis worked hard. He deserved a hot boss to wank over, no matter if the boss preferred chicks over dicks.

The clicking of the secretary's heels brought Louis out of his daze.

Please god, please, this is the first time I'm wishing for my name to fall out of a girl's mouth for fucks sake.

"Louis Tomlinson?" The secretary asked.


"That's me." Louis said, getting up, dusting the non existing dust from his pants, just because.

He gave a once over to the other's disappointed faces, he felt bad for them, just for a second though.

He followed the snobby-mean-girl-look alike secretary, whose shirt didn't even have a crease on it. How does she manage to do that?

Louis looked around the glass corridor and controlled himself from whistling, because damn this place reeked luxury.

He wondered how much the owner earned, who was he kidding he's probably a millionaire. Cause he runs this company duh.

"Now, since I'm the one leaving and it was my job to choose you, I'd advice you to be disciplined, organised and sophisticated where needed, rest of the time just be yourself."

Okay what was this woman mean, Louis was not sophisticated or organised or disciplined for that matter, he couldn't be unless it was out of pure necessity and that too for an hour max. But she did say to be himself most of the times so that was okay.Louis nodded.

"Your job is really important, one slip up by you and the company will go down in ashes. You get that?"

Louis frowned,"How ashes? I mean I'm  really running the company or anything..."

The woman glared at him, "Mr.Styles doesn't have the time to keep a hold of the meetings he has lined up for the day, it's up to you. And every meeting is important."

"How important?"

"Let's just say if you forget one meeting, you're making us lose approximately hundred million dollars. So you know, be focused."

Louis nodded.

You can do this.

He thought to himself as the secretary opened the door to his boss' room.

When green eyes met blue Louis gaped.

Fuck he couldn't do this.

How was he supposed to do stuff with this guy around?! How did this woman do it? Doesn't this woman have any sexual urges?!

Louis gulped.

"So this is my new secretary?" Mr.Styles asked, raising one of his eyebrows.

"Yes." The now ex-secretary replied.

Mr.Styles frowned giving Louis a once over, "I was expecting...someone...I don't know, better?"

Louis fumed at that, because the fuck.

"Excuse me, Mr.Rude,  I will be the one managing your schedule from now on so you might want to watch your tongue." Louis said, his hips quirked to the side and his hands placed on them.

"You do realise I could fire you this instant?"

"Ask me if I care." Louis said, crossing his arms across his chest, looking dead into Mr.Styles eyes.

Ofcourse Louis cared, but he would never admit it. He didn't need to show that he had a weakness. And not to forget about the ego which was the size of his ass. And yes, his ass was big. He relished the fact. That's what got him laid in the time of pure necessity.

Mr.Styles, looked at Louis, his eyebrow still raised and the frown still present on his face. Louis wondered if this dude ever smiled.

Yes the man might be unfairly attractive, very very attractive, with a jaw line that could cut Louis' fingers, and a jaw Louis had the urge to scatter hickeys on, but Louis had self respect. He'd  sleep under the leaking ceiling rather than hear this man who hardly knew him say shit about him. Louis would not accept that.

"Well then, you're aggressive, you passed the test. You start from tomorrow morning at eight am, sharp. I don't like my coffee late." He said with a blank expression, no warm smile as a welcome.

Asshole. Louis thought.

If he didn't need this job desperately he wouldn't even put up with this guy.

But then Louis was also shocked because is this guy even real? He wanted Louis to talk back to him? What on earth....

You could've lost your job on the same day you got it! You idiot. Louis scolded himself. Thank god this guy was weird.

Louis nodded and stood there awkwardly.

He looked at Mr.Styles expectedly, waiting for him to continue.

"What are you waiting for? Go, shoo, leave. Be on time tomorrow."

Fucking rude. Louis thought before turning around to leave.

He was almost about to exit the room when Mr.Styles called out.

"And Mr.Tomlinson?"

Louis turned around.

"I like my coffee without sugar."



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