These two will make it worth while.

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"Am I going to get fired?" Louis asked, following Susan to 'Mr.Payne's' cabin. Honestly whoever that dude was, his name gave of the vibe that he was a torturer or something. Payne? Who even has a last name like that?

Anyway, Louis nervously followed Susan leaving a trail of water behind him. First day of work and this happens, honestly Louis' life sucks.

The person who was moping the office sighed as he saw the water trail.

"Are you kidding me?!" He huffed before cleaning the mess.

Louis cringed.

Susan laughed, "You're just building points for yourself honestly."

"What do you mean building points! My ass is on the line!" Louis exclaimed.

"You see," Susan said, opening a glass door, "Mr.Styles is weird that way. If he wanted a 'top notch secretary who keeps their mouth shut all the time' he wouldn't have chosen me or let me choose you."

"That's not he wants?" Louis asked, confused.

"Not really, no. Sometimes when I talked back too much he did threaten to fire me a few times but he's all talk you know?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Not really, my first day, I told him to shut up because well he went on about how I wasn't enough and I just couldn't take it you know? Plus he never smiles! Five years being his personal assistant and I haven't seen him smile once. Just that stupid smirk is all. It's annoying!" Susan exasperatedly.

"I know right!" Louis said, feeling a bit better knowing he wasn't alone.

He was going to continue more and voice out the soliloquy he had written on how much he wanted to skin Harry Styles face (and sit on it) (but she didn't need to know that) but then they were entering a room and Louis came face to face with Mr.Payne who did not look like a torturer, more like a puppy.

Louis smiled at him, eyes crinkling.

"Oh my god! You're dripping wet!" Mr.Payne said, looking at Louis and rushing towards his cupboard and rummaging his cupboard for a towel.

Who keeps a towel in a office cupboard? Apparently this man.

"Here take this." Mr.Payne said, handing Louis a small towel.

"Thank you." Louis says, smiling, and takes the towel and starts to dry his hair.

"No problem," he replies then continues looking at Susan, "So he's the new assistant? Wait why am I asking you that?," he then looks at Louis, "Are you the assistant?"

Louis nods his head, still drying himself off.

"Well welcome aboard, you'll be given a tour by Niall around here. Just don't get scared, he can be a bit you know...him."
Mr.Payne said, laughing nervously.

"I'm sure I'm going to like him." Louis says, grinning.

"Well..." Mr.Payne trails off.

"Forget that, you have a meeting to prepare that too a Big Five meeting next week." Susan said, rubbing her forehead.

"Wait...Big Five as in those top five companies? They have meetings in private?" Louis asked, shocked.

"How do you think they remain the top five honey?" Susan said smiling.

"Anyways, Harry will give you the instructions on what you have to do there all I have to do is give you this." Susan said, taking Louis' hand and placing a piece of paper on it.

Mr.StylesWhere stories live. Discover now