And with that he leaves.

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"Lou let's just skip work today and just...go out." Harry says, laying on his bed , his arms behind his head, staring up at the ceiling.

"You sound like a gangster, who by the way is fucking crazy, isn't behind you , which rain check, isn't true." Louis says, raising his eyebrows, one of Harry's suits in his hand.

"There's nothing to be afraid of. I'm the owner of a big ass company Lou, I have my security. I'm not helpless." Harry says, looking at Louis.

"So like you know where he is?" Louis asks, snorting.

"Of course." Harry says, shutting his eyes.

Louis gapes but then composes himself.

"So...where is he?"

"In the mansion next to mine, you can see him out of my window through the binoculars kept on the window sill." Harry mumbles.

"So that's why you got binoculars, to spy on your ex-fuck buddy. You do realise I'm your boyfriend and such things bother me." Louis says, picking up the binoculars and looking at Harry's neighbour.

"I had to make sure what my sources said were right, I'm actually not surprised he bought a house right next to mine."

"Is it the blonde guy?" Louis asks.

"Yes, precisely. He doesn't have any other blondes around, it annoys him for some reason." Harry says, frowning.

Louis whistles, "Now I understand why you fucked him he's hot."

Harry raises his eyebrows and goes over to Louis and takes away the binoculars.

"Enough seeing."

"Someone's jealous of his ex-loverrr." Louis teases.

"So are we going out or not?" Harry changes the topic.

"You're taking me on a date?" Louis asks.

"If it wasn't fairly obvious." Harry says, caressing Louis' hair, because they were  soft and Harry could.

"Then ask me nicely Harold." Louis says, pressing a kiss to Harry's cheeks.

Harry sighs, smiling, "Mr.Louis Tomlinson would you give me the honour of taking you out on a date?"

"I don't see why not. And you're lucky you own this company, just not going to work like its nothing." Louis says and then pressing a kiss on Harry's lips.

"And you're lucky you're my secretary and I'm so in love with you."  Harry says, kissing his forehead.

Louis giggles and the says, "I'll go with you on one condition."

Harry raises his eyebrows.

"I get to choose your outfit." Louis says, smiling.

"Choose away my love." Harry says, smiling down at Louis and pressing yet another kiss on his forehead.


Louis hoped he was not drooling. Why was his boyfriend so fucking hot?

Louis had chosen a black button down shirt and denim jeans. Louis had always dreamed about Harry in denim and now that he had this, he wanted Harry out of them, so they could possibly fuck.

"I've told Liam to take are of things, we're all set to go—Louis ? Why are you looking me like that ?" Harry asked, pocketing his phone.

"You're a masterpiece you know that?" Louis said, pecking Harry on the lips.

"Well, thank you love. You are a masterpiece yourself," Harry said, pulling Louis towards him,"Now let's go, we have reservations for lunch at two."

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