"This is tea!"

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"Yes Niall I'm in place, are you?" Liam whispered into the phone.

"You stopped by for donuts? Are you crazy we have important work to do—I don't care if there was a sale—just get in place." Liam said, sighing into the phone and then ending the call.

"Frankie—that's your name right?"

"Don't remind me." The boy behind the register said, frowning and just looking down right sad.

"I'm sorry," Liam said, his face softening, "but you know what to do right?" Liam asked.

"Change the twinks coffee with tea. Got it. And try to flirt." The boy said.

"You might be getting hit on a lot right? If I didn't have a Greek God himself for a boyfriend I would bang you, no kidding. I'd try to get your number too." Liam said to the blue eyed boy.

"Thanks man, appreciate it. And I do get hit on a lot. Just waiting for the right guy though." He said.

"How do you remember Louis anyway?"

"Who wouldn't remember the twink? Have you seen his ass? It's like wow." Frankie said, whistling.

Liam just looked at him like he was crazy, "he's my best mate and I'm taken."

"So what..?"

Liam's gaze fell on the feathered haired boy, "he's here, act natural." Liam said.

Turning to act like he was giving an order.

"Liam?" Louis asked confused.

"Oh Louis! Didn't know you came here!" Liam said, faking a laugh.

"The usual for me." Louis said to the guy and turned back to Liam without another gaze.

Heights! The guy is hot, Louis you could atleast stare! God dammit Louis how whipped are you!

"How are you here today?" Louis asked, eyebrows quirked.

"Was just passing by so I thought might have some  breakfast." Liam said.

"But you live on the other side of this place."

"Hey I'm not antisocial okay? I have a boyfriend who  lives just around the corner." Liam said, crossing his arms across his chest.

Louis held up his hands in surrender, "calm down tiger."

"Here's your order. And you look nice again." Frankie said, smiling at Louis.

Louis smiled back,and grabbing his boss' supposedly 'coffee' "You do too Frankie. I'll see you tomorrow. You coming Liam?"

"Yeah go ahead, I'm right behind you." Liam said, motioning Louis to go ahead.

Once Louis was in his car and gone, Liam placed a hundred dollar note on the counter.

"Thanks for today." Liam said.

"Do you earn or joke around?" Frankie said, taking the note.

"My company pays a shit ton."

Frankie snorts, "I figured. Hope those too people get together. You're putting yourself in too much shit. Try not to get fired."

"Gotcha." Liam said, before exiting the coffee shop.

Now all was up to Niall.


"Louis, my man!" Niall exclaimed, walking next to him, the box of donuts in his hand. He admired the box with a twinkle in his eyes.

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