Ugh, Louis wished he was Julie sometimes.

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Once in the hospital, Harry slammed the door open and he probably looked like a mad man, his chest heaving, his hair out of his bun and just everywhere.

"Are you done with you film-y entry? We need to go see Lou." Daisy said, wheeling herself ahead of Harry.

"I wasn't trying to..." But he just shook his head and went to the receptionist.

"Louis Tomlinson?" Harry asked the receptionist.

"You are?" The nurse asked, unamused.

"Harry Styles, he works for me and she is his family." Harry said, motioning to Daisy.

Harry tapped his foot impatiently as the receptionist searched on her computer as slowly as a sloth, a disapproving frown on his face, Daisy just glared at the receptionist.

Could she work any faster? Harry thought as she searched louis' room number.

"Room 305 , it's right around the corner."

Harry didn't bother thanking her , just grabbed the handle of Daisy's wheelchair and went to Louis' room.

Once outside the door he motioned Daisy to go in first, since they were closer and stuff and Louis probably wanted to see her the most.

Daisy wheeled herself in while Harry say on the chair outside.


Daisy sighed looking at Louis, her beautiful son had bandages around his head and a cast on his left hand, and another bandage wrapped around his right hand.

He was awake when Daisy came in.

"Daisy? Who brought you here?" Louis asked surprised, a smile spreading on his face, happy to see someone he knew.

"Your boss, Stiles did."

"It's styles—"

"Don't care. How are you?" She said, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm okay, I'll be able to get out of here in like two weeks though." Louis said, sighing.

"I'll stay here with you." Daisy said.

Louis raised an eyebrow at her, "You are on a wheel chair Daisy, I'll be okay. There are nurses and everything. You can come every alternate days or just call me. You do have to take care of Julie and the house. Did they fix my roof yet?"

"Yes they did, and well your boss can stay here with you if not me." Daisy said, wiggling her eyebrows.

Louis let out a small laugh, "he probably has more important things to do and he has a 'soon to be fiancé' so.."

"He was in a middle of a meeting when I called him, you know? He left it and came to get me and then directly came here. He looked crazy." She said, scrunching her nose.

Louis snorted, he probably looked beautiful like that too, Louis thinks "You probably threatened him."

"Nah just told his employe that I'll sue him."

"I'm disappointed, I thought you'll be more intimidating." Louis said, laughing.

"Well I was about to cry and everything, what do you expect? Anyway you should probably meet Stiles he's waiting outside for you." Daisy said, turning her wheelchair to call Harry.

"He's still waiting?" Louis asked, surprised.

"Ofcourse he is, he's smitten, you both just don't see it." Daisy said, snorting.

"Stiles you can come see him." Daisy said, through the door.

Hearing that Harry sprang up from his chair and quickly made his way inside almost knocking of the vase near the door.

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