You're going to regret it young man.

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Louis sat on Daisy's bed, rubbing his face.

What the hell is happening? He thinks.

Just months ago he was sitting outside Harry's office waiting to be chosen , months ago he was pinning after his boss.

He loves Harry he really does, he loves Harry enough to do anything for him. Harry is his everything. But what on earth was happening?

He felt like he was in an action movies instead of a rom-com and he didn't like it one bit.

When he heard the front door open he looked up, looking at Harry with trembling lips.

"Oh, Lou." Harry says before pulling Louis in for a hug.

"I'm going to kill him Harry, if he even touches Daisy I will blow up his brain." Louis snarls, his cheeks wet.

Harry just runs his fingers through Louis' hair.

Suddenly Louis feels his cat rubbing against his leg.

"Julie!" Louis says, grabbing his cat and hugging her to his chest.

"They didn't touch you,right?" Louis asks looking at her.

She looks at him with the expression which says, 'are you even serious.'

Louis just cuddles his cat closer to himself.

Harry sighs, running his fingers through his hair, cursing himself for bringing Louis into this mess.

"I wonder how Daisy might be, she must be so terrified Haz. That guy is a psycho. I'm so mad Harry I could kill him with my bare hands." Louis says, glaring at the letter on the floor.

"She'll be fine, Lou. I'll contact everyone whose supposed to keep a watch. I can't believe this even happened, I have people around here." Harry says, a frown on his face, as he removed his phone.

"Daisy will be alright, Julie. But she must be so scared, oh god Julie.." Louis mumbles into his cat's fur.

We'll come get you Daisy, just hold on.


"Let me out of here so I can wipe that grin off your face!" Daisy shouts she couldn't exactly see outside the door of the room she was in as she was tied to a chair. But she took her chances.

"I'm not smiling." The man outside said with a frown.

"Let me out of here!" She shouted.

"You can't really do anything old woman, it'll be better if you just kept quiet." One of the guards replied with a tired expression. The woman hadn't shut up once she become conscious and it was getting tiring and annoying.

"You just didn't call me an old woman, take it back you useless prick!"

"What are you going to do about it?" The man said, smugly.

"You're gonna regret it young man, you really are."


I'm so sorry this is so short and late. But my exams , like the final final one are starting from tomorrow and they'll get over on 17th April. I'll mostly write after that? I might just update once in between. Please pray for me, I'll be back soon. Love you guys so much x

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