Mother's love

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Louis gaped as he entered the gates of the Styles mansion. Honestly why was he even surprised Harry was fucking rich, he was bound to live in a house like this.

Louis drove his car in front of the mansion, it felt like ages, noticing a garden which said "Harry's" and another one which said "Gemma's" ..... Maybe she was his sister or something..

Louis finally reached the mansion and got out. He climbed up the stairs and when was in front of the door, he rung the bell.

Louis stood there impatiently, tapping his foot, he knew Mr.Styles wasn't there so he had no intention to prolong his stay.

When the door opened Louis internally gasped, how is everyone so attractive in this family?

"Mr.Styles never mentioned having a sister." Louis said to the woman who was standing there, Louis knew she was his mother, but Louis liked Mr.Styles and Mr.Styles was her son, and Louis was a little shit.

The woman blushed, "I'm certain he has a sister, but it's just not me."

"You're kidding right?" Louis said grinning.

The woman in front of him smiled too, "Who are you anyway?"

"Oh sorry, where are my manners, I'm Louis Tomlinson, Mr.Styles' new secretary, I'm here to pick up my suit. It's nice to meet you Mrs.Styles." Louis said, smiling, the crinkles by his eyes on display.

"It's nice to meet you Louis and call me Anne." The woman said smiling, and Louis thought Bingo.

One styles wooed, two to go. And probably having a strong relationship with the son who was also a brother.

"Oh come on in, Susan please get the suit Mr.Styles told you about," Anne said to the maid standing by the entrance, "What will you have Louis? Tea, coffee or something else?"

"Oh tea is fine, thank you." Louis said, standing in middle of the biggest living room he has ever seen in the entire of his life.

"Please have a seat, I'll be right there." Anne said, placing the kettle on the stove.

Louis nodded, smiling, she loved him already, louis could tell.

Once Louis was sat on the couch, he looked around the house. It leaked luxury, like everything that belonged to his boss. But what made hims smile wider was the photoframe of Mr.Styles, his mother and another girl who was probably his sister. All three of them looked happy and had identical dimples. The whole family was attractive, really.

"Here's your tea, I just made it my way, you can put the sugar if you like I don't like it that much." Anne said, sitting next to him on the couch.

"Good thing I like it without sugar." Louis said, smiling.

"We're going to get along just fine Louis." Anne said, smiling.

"Here's the suit, Mrs.Styles." Susan said, standing with the suit which was in a cover.

"Yeah keep it on the arm chair, Louis will take it when he leave."

Louis didn't know his boss' mother was going to turn out to be his closest friend.


"Her coat was hideous." Louis said, scrunching his nose up, talking the fashion show he had once seen.

Anne laughed, "it couldn't have been that bad."

Louis was supposed to collect his suit and leave, but it had been two hours now and he was still talking with Anne, she seemed to like his company and so did he.

"I'm home!" Louis heard Mr.Styles shout as he entered the house.

Fuck. Louis thought in his head.

"Harry!" Anne shouted, grinning looking at her son.

Mr.Styles froze when he saw his secretary sitting on the couch with his mother.

"Good afternoon Mr.Styles!" Louis said, with a small wave.

"You're still here, Louis?" Harry asked, eyebrows raised.

Louis tried not to blush because he loved the way Mr.Styles said his name.

"Anne and I were just talking, i didn't take notice of the time. Time flies when you're with good company!" Louis said, grinning.

"He's lovely, Harry." Anne said, placing a hand over Louis' shoulder.

Harry just nodded, before turning and going up the staircase and to what Louis assumed was his room.

Louis sighed.

"Well I should leave too, I have a cat to feed." Louis said, smiling.

"Please come over some day again, I get lonely without Harry or Gemma. It's good to have company." Anne said.

Louis smiled at her, "That makes the two of us. I'll come over whenever I can." Louis said, picking up his suit.

"See you soon, Lou." She said, running a hand through Louis' hair.

Louis smiled and turned to walk out the door.

And if he was a bit teary eyed you couldn't blame him, after all it had been years since he had felt something close to a mother's love and he loved Anne for giving him that.


It was a filler, hoped you guys liked that! I'm sorry the updates are so slow :( please don't give up on the story xx

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