Man, I almost got a heart attack.

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'I'm here.'

Harry texted and then kept his phone in the coffee holder and waited for Louis to come.

It had been a week since Louis had been discharged and a week since Harry had confessed his dying love for Louis.

Everything had been pretty much perfect. Harry was always at Louis' , having lunch there with Louis and Daisy. Harry did put out the option of going on a date out but Louis claimed that it  was unacceptable for him to go on a fancy dinner date with his caste on. Well then, Harry had just cooked him a fancy meal in the house, candle light and all(yes Harry had to go grocery shopping because Louis lived off of Daisy's food) and well it was nice and they had spent the rest of the night snogging on Louis' couch.

And when Harry was not at Louis' he was constantly texting him or calling him , Harry just couldn't stay without Louis' contact. Well he did go to work, but he was the boss so he could put in some text here and there.

Today, Louis was coming back to work and for some reason Harry was excited. Maybe because he didn't have to leave Louis' side for the day. Harry smiled at the thought.

He was snapped out of his daze when his car door opened.

"Good morning!" Harry said smiling.

"Morning." Louis grumbled.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, starting the engine and driving off.

"I want this cast off right now!" Louis said, annoyed.

"Don't hurt yourself," Harry says, looking from the corner of his eyes at Louis, "and you'll get it off tomorrow, love."

"Well you aren't the one who had it on for like a month." Louis said, huffing.

Harry smiled, for no apparent reason, he did that a lot now, and stopped at the red light and then leaned forward to kiss Louis on his cheek.

"Well what can I do to see that smile on my pretty Louis' face?" Harry said, smiling, and driving again.

Louis tried to contain his smile, "Well you could snog me on your big office chair."

"I don't mind that at all." Harry said, grinning.

Harry got off the car and walked over to Louis' door and opened it for him. Louis smiled, grabbing Harry's hand and getting off the car.

Harry locked the door and placed his hand around Louis' waist and then walked towards the office.

"We have to get your coffee." Louis says.

"We'll get it on our way, did you take your pain killers?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.

Louis rolled his eyes, "Yes mom."

He then let out a laugh as they stepped into the office.

Louis grins  the whole way because well he can and he wanted to. And he just feels so nice, because he's got Harry next to him, he's got his warmth and Harry treats him with so much love and affection Louis feels likes he's going to explode. Yes, Louis has always taken care of himself, he's never waited around for someone to do it, but this is more than what he has ever done  for himself and he just feels so happy.

"Lou–oh." Niall said, looking between Harry and Louis.

Louis bit his lips to contain his smile.

"Good morning Mr.Horan." Harry said, giving Niall a small smile.

Niall gaped at him because what the fuck, Mr.Styles smiled? Then he realised he hadn't answered and was standing with his mouth open.

Niall blushed bright red, "Morning Mr.Styles."

"I'll be in my cabin, get my coffee?" Harry asked, looking at Louis.

"Sure thing."

And with a kiss on Louis' nose Harry left.

Niall almost fainted.

"What the fuck was that?" Niall screeched and the employers around looked at them with annoyed looks.

"I don't think you're fractured from your waist?" Niall whispered now.

"We're kinda dating?" Louis said, scratching the back of his neck.

"And you didn't think it was important to tell us that, chuck us, you didn't think it was important to tell me? I'm like—I'm like the captain—you have to at least inform me." Niall said, his hands flying every where as they walked towards Louis' cabin.

"I'm sorry, it just slipped my mind." Louis said, laughing.

"Oh Harry Styles shoved his tongue down my throat and it totally slipped my mind like it wasn't a big deal, what the fuck Louis." Niall said, his arms crossed and looking downright pissed.

"I'm sorry, but don't tell Liam, I've got a plan for that." Louis said, smiling wickedly.

Niall smiled too because he couldn't really be mad at Louis could he? Plus he wouldn't miss an opportunity to freak Liam out.


"Louis are you sure this is a good idea?" Harry asked, eyebrows raised.

"You just have to snog me Harry, it isn't that hard, is it? Plus you did tell me we would snog on your big office chair so..." With that Louis straddled  Harry's lap.

"Well, I don't see any harm in this so okay." Harry said, shrugging his shoulder and placing his hand on Louis' bum. He couldn't help it, he was obsessed and now that he could touch it, he couldn't find a reason why he wouldn't.

Soon Louis' phone buzzed.

"That our que."

With that Louis attached his lips on Harry's. Harry kissed back, his eyes closed, his hands cupping Louis' ass and squeezing them every now and then making Louis moan.

"Mr.Styles you—oh my god!" Louis heard Liam shriek.

"What the fuck Niall!" Liam cursed.

Louis heard Niall doubling over with laughter and Louis couldn't even control his so he pulled back and laughed placing his forehead on Harry's shoulder. Harry laughed too.

Louis got off slowly and turned towards Liam and Niall.

Liam looked horrified and Niall was on the floor laughing, red as a tomato.

"Good afternoon Mr.Payne." Harry said, giving Liam a cheeky grin.

"Good?—good after noon? What is wrong with people!" Liam said, his hands raised.

"Surprise?" Louis said, still laughing.

"You should count yourself lucky I love you. Man, I almost got a heart attack."

Louis just smiled sheepishly.

He could get used to this.


Told you guys i'll update soon!!!!!  Hope you guys liked it! Btw, this story reached 4K votes already 😭😭😭 thank you for the love. Next goal: win an award. That'll be accomplished soon enough, I hope. Love you guys.

A question, because I'm curious.

Are you a sub or a Dom?

🤔🤔🤔 lemme know!!!

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