Bet you've figured out by now.

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"Harry I'm worried." Louis mumbles against Harry's chest.

Harry's hold around Louis tightens, and he sighs.

"It'll be alright Lou, just remember what I told you, okay?" Harry says looking down at Louis.

"Okay." Louis mumbles.

"Hey," Harry says, placing a gentle hand on Louis' chin and makes Louis look towards him,"Louis don't worry okay? I won't let anything happen to you, I love you, you get that? Are those tears Louis Tomlinson? Oh, Lou, please no." Harry says as the tears roll down Louis' cheeks.

"I'm so scared Harry what if something happens to you? That man is fucking psycho, I don't want to be without, I can't be without you." Louis sobs, hugging Harry tightly and soaking his shirt.

"Oh Lou, please don't cry. Nothing is going to happen to anyone alright?" Harry says, stroking Louis' hair.

Louis doesn't stop crying.

"Love, I hate seeing you this way please stop crying. Please." Harry mumbles, kissing Louis' head.

After a few more seconds of Louis crying Harry says, "I'm sorry Louis, this is all because of me. I got you into this mess. I would understand if you, if you don't want to be with me anymore." Harry says, swallowing.

"Are fucking crazy? I—fuck, didn't you hear what I say, I can't stay without you and your stupid green eyes and your stupid dimples. I'm not going anywhere." Louis says, pulling back and looking at Harry with red rimmed eyes.

"Well thank god, because I can't live without you too." Harry says, sighing and pulling Louis closer.

They sit in silence for a while a, Louis sniffling.

"Can you," Louis says breaking the silence, pulling back, "can you just shoot him and get it over with, I'm so close to doing it myself he's fucking scaring me and I'm so mad at him Harry." Louis says, huffing in the end.

Harry laughs at that, he wipes away the tears on Louis' cheek.

"We can't kill him, we're not killers , Louis. He'll be gone soon enough though, don't worry."

"Alright, he better be gone. Now I deserve a kiss and also sex, see I've cried and I'm scared." Louis says, pointing at his face.

Harry laughs and kisses him, his hands cupping Louis' jaw gently, Louis' hands in Harry's curls.

Harry's hands moves down to Louis' hips, squeezing them.

The kiss is slow, Harry gently laying Louis down on the couch they were on, and pulling back to attach his lips to Louis' jaw, sucking and licking at Louis' sweet spot. He pulls back to admire his work, when Louis' thrusts up, "C'mon Haz, you can look all you want after you're done fucking me."

"Whatever you say your highness." Harry says, smiling.

Harry attaches his lips back on Louis' , unbuttoning Louis' pants.

Louis moans as Harry palms him through his boxers, thrusting upwards.

Always responsive. Harry thinks smiling against Louis' lip.

"Haz, don't be a fucking tease." Louis says, glaring at Harry but moaning none the less at the attention Harry's hands were giving his, now hard, dick.

Harry tugs Louis' pants down, his boxers following suit.

"Turn." He tells Louis and Louis does as he says.

Harry licks his lips looking at the view. When Harry says he loves Louis' ass, it's an understatement.

He cups both of Louis' arsecheeks, slowly gives a long lick at Louis' hole.

Louis squirms underneath him, his face buried in the pillow underneath, his hands fisted.

Harry takes his time, eating Louis out slowly , he loves the noises leaving Louis' mouth, loves the way his name rolls off Louis' mouth.

"Harry I'm going to come, Haz, Harry fuck."

"No not yet." Harry says, pulling back.

He tugs off his jeans along with his shirts, he takes out the lube from the desk next to the couch (he and Louis were always prepared, after the time Harry had to go from the kitchen back to Louis' room for a lube)
He pours some on his fingers and then pushes one finger in Louis. Harry gives Louis time to adjust and then starts to move his fingers in and out.

"Harry just get on with it!" Louis almost shouts when Harry was on his third finger, opening Louis up.

"Bossy." Harry says, rolling his eyes.

Harry takes his dick, which was painfully hard (just by Louis' voices and eating Louis out go figure) and pours some lube over it and slowly pushes into Louis.

Louis groans underneath him.

Harry waits until Louis give him the okay to move.

Harry thrusts in and out, moving faster and harder, Louis' grunts and moans encouraging him.

Soon Louis spills between their stomachs and Harry follows soon after. Harry goes limp on Louis' , burying his face in the crook of Louis' neck.

"I love you." He mutters softly, after both of them have catches their breaths.

"I love you too."

And if they have a second round in the shower, no one has to know.


"Daisy I'm home!" Louis says, smiling, entering Daisy's flat. His day was good, work was a bit tiring but Harry always makes it, well amazing, no matter how many files he has to go through or how many files he has to organise.

Louis' smile drops as he sees the empty flat.

"Daisy?" He asks, going towards the kitchen to find it empty too.

"Daisy, this is not funny, where are you?" Louis asks, walking towards her room.

He's about to go check his own flat when his eyes fall on the letter kept on Daisy's desk.

Bet you've figured out by now.
If you haven't, well then,
You're it Louis Tomlinson.

Louis' drops his bag to the floor, with shaky hands he removes his phone.

Once the Harry picks up, he says with a quivering voice, "Harry, Daisy's gone."

As a thank you for 10K votes, smut for you guys. It's not good I know but I tried. Hope it's not too cringe worthy.

Please leave comments behind, please it means a lot. Love you guys x

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