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Louis came to know about Mr.Styles' marriage the next week which was a real shocker considering he was his personal assistant and all that and he was supposed to know every minute detail about anything happening in the company and for the company and to the company owner.

It was a Wednesday morning, Louis' favourite day really(from that day it was his least favourite day) when he walked into his boss' office a grin on his face and placing his usual coffee on the table.

Mr.Styles was talking to someone on the phone, "Yes, just an engagement invitation, that's all. Alright, thank you."

"Who is getting engaged?" Louis asked, picking up the papers on the table that needed to be filed.


Louis froze,his heart squeezed,  "What? With whom?"

"Nick Grimsaw."

"When the hell did that happened?" Louis asked, angry, for some reason and jealous, very very jealous. Louis knew that Grimshit was nothing but trouble.

"Last week, you are invited ofcourse." Harry said, nonchalantly like Louis' heart wasn't breaking little by little.

"Oh okay." Louis said and with that he left and if he shed a tear or two or sobbed in the washroom he has every right too.


"Lou?" Niall asks a sniffling Louis during lunch.

"Go away."

Louis was sitting in the cafeteria at their normal table, his head resting against the table.

Liam and Niall exchanged a look.

"What's wrong?" Liam asks.

"He is getting engaged to fucking Grimshit." Louis snapped.

Liam and Niall stood there shocked.

"What does he even see in that dude? He thinks he's going to find an ass this good?" Louis said and turning around just to prove his point.

"Are you sure it's not a misunderstanding?" Liam asks, holding onto Louis' arm.

"He told me himself "you are invited ofcourse" my fucking arse. He won't even see my face on that day." Louis says, pissed off at Mr.Styles because it was all his fault for not liking Louis as much as Louis liked him, pissed off at the world because it never gave him anything he wanted and took everything good from him.

"Oh Lou." Liam said, rubbing his arm.

"It shouldn't even affect me this much I'm not in love with him  or anything." Louis said, wiping angry tears.

Liam and Niall gave him the look.

"Fuck I'm in love with the idiot, ain't I ? Fuck shit, fantastic, ugh." Louis said, groaning and banging his head on the table lightly.

"It's gonna be okay Lou." Niall said, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"That's what those people said when my parents were taking their last breaths. But was it ever?" Louis said, sadly, shaking his head, he got up and left, his tears not stopping for some reason.

"Niall I think I have a plan." Liam said, looking at Louis'  retreating figure.

"Does it include making Lou happy?" Niall asked, feeling sad himself looking at his best friend.

"Ofcourse. You see I believe Mr.Styles loves him or likes him too. He just doesn't know what he's doing. We have to make him realise what he's losing and what he's doing is not right." Liam says, his eyebrows scrunched up.

"What makes you believe that Mr.Styles really likes him?"

"Because Niall you just don't become all sunshine and fond around someone you don't love or atleast like. And you certainly don't jeopardise your company just to support someone who doesn't mean anything to you. He fucking walked out of the meeting with his hand Louis' back." Liam says.

"You said he did the same for Stacy—"

"I lied. He had gotten angry at her in front of everyone. I didn't want Louis to get his hopes up because I knew something like this could happen. Guess it was too late.But I guess we have to do something."

"What is your plan?"

"Niall it's time to execute the  M.M.S.G.H.S.T mission." Liam said, grinning.

"Wait that's too long! What does it mean anyway?"

"Make Mr.Styles Get His Shit Together."

"That's good, what's the first step?"

"The first step is to think of the plan. I never thought we'll get this far."

"You're hopeless Liam, really."


Short af and stupid af ,, but bear with me.

@LouLovesHazOk thanks for the comment made my day xxx

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@LouLovesHazOk thanks for the comment made my day xxx

@getslaying from wattpad

& styleskemmy from Instagram

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& styleskemmy from Instagram

thank you for the covers I love them xx

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thank you for the covers I love them xx

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