Just an infatuation anyway

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Louis sighed and pressed the button of the lift. It was just too early.

Once in the lift he leaned his head against the cool metal, closing his eyes, just for a little time...

He jerked when the lift made a ding sound indicating he had reached his floor.

He sighed and first made his way to his boss' room, walking in and placing the coffee on his table.

"Good Morning Mr.Tomlinson." Harry said, looking up from a file.

Louis just grunted and started arranging the files on Harry's desk.

"Someone is grumpy this particular morning." Harry said, amused.

"Can't you like shift the timings to a bit later?" Louis said, frowning.

Harry let out a soft laugh and Louis felt his lips twitch up to a smile because yes Harry Styles' laugh was a blessing.

"I'm sorry but that'll ruin the delicate balance of the company. You'll have to work till late then."

"Whatever, I'll be in my cabin, ring me up if you need something." Louis said and then walked out of the cabin.

He was about to enter his cabin when he was intercepted by a grinning Niall and Liam.

Louis raised his eyebrows,"What?"

"We heard about what happened in big five meeting, we're so proud of you! It has been a while since something like this has happened, last was back in 2010 with Stacy ofcourse." Niall said and Liam nodded in agreement.

"That guy was a douchebag. Anyway how did y'all even come to know about it? Isn't it supposed to be confidential?"
Louis said, walking into his cabin, Liam and Niall behind him.

"Yes it is, but then you talking like that to Stanly has caused quite a stir in the industries, after all you insulted an owner of one of the big five companies. They don't take things so lightly." Liam pointed out.

"Wait you're telling me I just jeopardised the company because of my big mouth?" Louis asked, looking nervous.

"Kinda, but it's nothing to worry about, it happened before and Mr.Styles supports us first no matter what. He's the most powerful amongst them all, they'll calm down in a week." Niall says, smiling at Louis.

"If that's what you say..." Louis said, nervously.

"And how are things with Mr.Styles, y'all went shopping right? How was it?" Niall asked, looking excited.

"I saw him laugh and smile for the first time since I came here." Louis said, smiling at the memory.

"You what?" Niall asked, gaping.

And Liam was just nodding like he agreed with something his mind said.

"I've been working here for what? 5 years? And I never got to see him smile! And you are just here for what two weeks.."

"I have a feeling that Mr.Styles has feelings for Louis." Liam says, cutting Niall off.

"Yeah I have the feeling too."Niall said, nodding.

"You guys are ridiculous, it's just been like what? Two weeks." Louis says, quoting Niall and dismissing the thought.

"But you want to sit on his face?" Niall asked.

"That's the sexual need, feelings? They take time to build up, I suppose." Louis said, scratching the back of his neck.

"I started liking Zayn the moment I saw him, I couldn't stop thinking about him. So I wouldn't really agree on that." Liam pointed out.

"Who is Zayn? " Louis asked, eyebrows raised.

"He's Liam's fiancé! You have to meet him he's a sick guy." Niall said.

"Yeah, we'll go clubbing this weekend, how does that sound?" Liam asked and Louis was so glad the topic had changed.

"Sounds good to me." Louis agrees.

"I'm always up for drinks." Niall said, shrugging.

"Great, we should get back to work and Louis this discussion isn't over." Liam said, giving Louis a look and then walking away and Niall followed waving at Louis.

Louis just sighed and placed his head in the crook of his folded hands.

He let out a small grunt, he was so ready to go back home.


Louis happily made his way to his boss' office, because Harry hardly ever called him to his cabin and spending lunch with Liam and Niall always cheered him up.

His grin fell the moment he saw Greasy in Harry's cabin. Then his eyes fell on Mrs.Styles who sat on the couch along with two other elderly people.

What is going on here? Louis thought, placing his hands behind his back nervously.

"You called me, Mr.Styles?" He said, giving Anne a polite smile which she returned.

"Please arrange for coffee for four and please arrange these files." Harry said, pointing to the set of files on the table.

Louis just nodded picking up the files and walking out the door.

That was weird.


"Just think about it, it'll do both our companies good. Owners of two top five companies married, supporting LGBT rights, our companies will be unbeatable. And the Grimsaw enterprises is not really do well and you do have a favour to do for us." Nick Grimsaw's father spoke.

Anne looked at his son who had the same expressionless face and then started speaking, "this is quite the offer, but it all depends on my son."

Blue eyes came to Harry's mind, blue eyes surrounded by crinkles. Soft caramel hair, an angelic sound came to Harry's mind. Pink thin lips which looked so soft,came to his mind. His secretary came to his mind.

But Harry Styles was good at pushing the images of the things that he wanted away, in the back of his head, where no one could know about it, no one could see it, and he blinded himself to those things too. Just brought them back when he wanted to, when they were in his reach, when they were possible to have. But to him, Louis Tomlinson was impossible to have.

Louis Tomlinson was like the fire he was avoiding for years, he wasn't ready to be burnt. It was an infatuation anyway.So without any further thought he spoke,

"I agree."


ITS LIKE A COMMENT COMPETITION WITHOUT A COMPETITION BECAUSE I DONT LIKE competition (going to lowercase) like competition makes me sick in the stomach. Anyways,, I'm gonna pick the comments that make me laugh and put it up here so others can laugh too ??? Idk I'll just pick some up. And all of my chapters are dedicated to you guys always, y'all make everything better. Thank you for the love u are giving this story!

And if someone can make a cover for this story I'll love u forever this one is shitty (or is it okay?)  ,, I'll try to make a new one though x

(If y'all wanna talk to me just message me on wattpad or Instagram or Twitter or kik)
[instagram- zahrasayed13
Twitter- theyaremysons
Kik- zahrasayed1 ]

All the love xxx

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