"Julie you cant just-!"

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"C'mon Julie, I said I was sorry!" Louis said, raising his arms and looking at his cat.

Julie moved her head to the other side so as to say 'I'm still mad.'

And I thought I was dramatic. Louis thought.

"Harry is getting your food! It's not like you're going to go hungry or die!"

Still ignorance.

"Okay I know I've been careless and not treating you like the queen you are and not giving you enough attention, but I'm in this new relationship yeah? And you know how much I love Harry. I love you too, but you know how it is right?" Louis said, now sitting down on the floor next to his cat and scratching behind her ears.

"Now whose my good girl?" He said, gently rubbing his thumb across her head.

At that Julie meowed and purred, nudging Louis' hand to continue when he stopped.

Louis sighed,  thanking god she wasn't pissed anymore.

"I'm here." He heard Harry's voice.

"Thank god." Louis said, sighing as Harry walked towards him, cat food in his hand, along with a new bowl.

"I don't remember asking for a new bowl?" Louis asked, raising his eyebrows.

"It was just so cute! Plus Julie deserves a new bowl." Harry said, sitting next to Louis on the floor.

Louis' mouth was agape as Julie left his lap and went over to Harry, nudging his hand to pet her.

"Julie you can't just—!"

"Oh , yes, she can, after you forgot to get her food." Harry said, smiling.

"Fuck off it's all because of you."

"I got her food."

"I told you to."

"After I pointed out her food was over."

"Whatever." Louis said, resting his head on Harry's shoulder.

"You wanna order pizza?" Harry asked.

"You read my mind, Styles."

Louis giggled against Harry's lips, as Harry pushed him against his desk, knocking over a stack of his files.

"I have to pick them up, you know?" Louis said, as Harry continued kissing him down his neck, biting and leaving marks.

Louis angled his neck so has to give Harry more excess, letting out a moan.

Soon, Louis' phone rang.

Harry groaned, pulling away.

"Whoever it is, is going to fucking pay for it." Harry said, annoyed.

"It's Niall." Louis said, answering the phone.

"I'll cut his fucking salary." Harry huffed.

Louis motioned him to keep quiet as he heard Niall speak.

"Nick Grimsaw is here, I was wondering why he didn't show up and blasted off yet, but he's here anyway. So if you guys are doing something you shouldn't be doing while working, stop. He's on his way."

"Alright, thanks Ni." Louis said, ending the call.

"Grimsaw is here." Louis said, looking at Harry.

Harry just groaned.

"Do I have to deal with him now? Are you serious?" Harry whined.

"Well you do." Louis said, fixing Harry's collar so that the love bite he made was exposed, then fixed his hair.

Soon there was a knock on the door.

Harry sighed, sitting on his chair he said, "come in."

Louis went to pick up the files on the floor.

"Harry." Nick said, entering the room.

"Mr.Grimsaw." Harry said, motioning him to have a seat.

"I'm not here to have a seat, Mr.Styles, I don't even want to stay here for more time than necessary,"

Then leave, Louis thought.

"I'm just here to say, what you did was fucking rude, and if you think I'm going to let this go so easily you're highly mistaken. I will fucking ruin you." Nick spat.

Louis stepped forward to put that little shit back into his hole of self loathing when Harry spoke up.

"Do whatever you want, Mr.Grimsaw. You are no threat to me whatsoever. If you want to ruin my company, go ahead. If  you'll  find connections, which I highly doubt you can, to shut this company down go ahead. I've earned enough to last me a life time and even if you manage to take that away, I won't even flinch because whatever I want is all with me and you can't really take that away," Harry said, his eyes falling on Louis for a brief moment, "now, unless you want a coffee from the newly installed cafe in my company  or have something else to say, you can leave."

Nick glared at Harry for a minute and then left.

Louis grinned wide.

"You have no idea how proud I am right now. And flattered too." Louis said.

"Are you proud enough to promise me a blowjob?"

"You earned it,Styles."

So this is basically going to be the last update for a while. I'm going on a hiatus, basically. You see, it's my final year of school and I have these exams which mean a shit ton here and well I really need to start studying and ace that shit. So yeah. Pray for me. I'll be back to writing in April and I have new story ideas in mind which I can't wait to share with you guys! Hope I will see your votes and comments when I'm back and you guys won't abandon this story or me.
I'll comment and come online definitely, and I might update once or twice too but it's not sure. Hope you guys understand.


Hope you guys liked this chapter, I know it was a filler but whatever y'all love me.

HAVE You guys ever thought that Anna Todd is like so lucky¿ like she did what she loved and was passionate about it or something (or her luck was fucking strong) and her books got fucking published and she's like growing as an author and wow ok. Man I wish that happened to me someday lol.

Anyways love you guys! Take care!
If you still wanna talk or something PM me or like DM me on Insta all that is in my bio ! xxx GONNA MISS YOU GUYS SO MUCH 😭😭😢

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