Fucking Excited

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"So more promo, you say?" Harry asked, looking at Louis' face.

Louis tried to make eye contact without blushing but he could feel heat rising in his cheeks.

"I mean, yeah, because Stacy's company will be shutting, so other companies are bound to vacate places for more employees and they're going to widen their product range. If they're smart enough." Louis points out.

"Hm I think—"

"Harry!" Nick exclaimed wanting into his cabin.

Oh boy. Louis thought, picking up his files and getting ready to leave.

"You can't just walk in like that Mr.Grimsaw." Harry said, frowning.

Louis tried not to get too happy when Nick's smile fell.

"Please wait outside until I'm done talking to Louis." Harry said, motioning him to go outside.

Nick couldn't really say anything and left like a wounded puppy.

"According to my previous experiences , this is gonna cost you very fancy meal and a lot of attention giving." Louis points out.

"Why?" Mr.Styles asked, confused.

"He's your fiancé you can't just speak to him like that." Louis said, looking at Harry like he was an idiot.

"He's not my fiancé, he's going to be my fiancé. And what he did was unprofessional as an owner of a big five company he should know these things." Harry said, shaking his head.

Oh my god.

"Mr.Styles as your well wisher and as the one who cares about the efficient working of this company I need to ask you this, are you happy with this marriage? Like are you doing this for your happiness?" Louis asked, searching Harry's face like its going to answer anything.

"How does it matter? If it's not Mr.Grimsaw it'll be someone else. It's all for business anyway." Harry said, like it wasn't a big deal.

Louis gaped at the man in front of him, "it's not for business, it's for love—I—"

"And what is love actually, Louis? Who knows? And I don't think I can wait around for things that won't really come to me." Harry said, dismissively.

Louis felt sad for the man in front of him, sad because the man sitting in front of him was an empty body.

"I don't know what love is, nobody does Harry. But we all know a little something, when this," point said poking Harry's chest right in the middle, pointing to his heart, "when this heart of yours, feels content, happy, like its going to burst and you learn how to smile without a reason, that's when you know you're in love."

With that Louis held the files in his hands closer to his chest and walked towards the exit of mr.styles cabin, "I'll call up the promo team."

And with that he left.

He prayed to God that Mr.Styles would realise he's not just another drifting body on this earth, he's something, something beautiful, magnificent and so bright. It was a shame that everyone stared at his brightness with awe while all he saw himself as was a dull light.


"Why are we at a cafe Harry?" Louis said, holding the files closer to his chest.

"Mr.Grimsaw was about to pay me a visit about the company we are going to start together and I was just not really in the mood." Harry said sighing, sitting on a chair.

"Wait, isn't his company going to become yours and yours his?" Louis said, sitting in front of Mr.Styles.

"No, I'd never share my company with anyone, it's mine. End of story." Harry said, frowning.

Louis let out a laugh, "What will you have? I'll go order." He asked.

"A strawberry smoothie please. Oh and a cheesecake." Harry said, removing his phone.

"Can't believe Mr.Styles has anything other than coffee." Louis said jokingly.

Harry just shrugged with a smile.

A few minutes later Louis came back with their orders.

"So you talked to the promo team?" Louis asked sipping his drink.

"Yes, they'll start everything from next week."

"You know I took Daisy to the doctors yesterday." Louis said, well because he wanted to and he could.

"Daisy who?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.

"My neighbour who was shouting about my cat's poop. She's really close to me, even though it doesn't seem so. Her sons left her, fucking assholes." Louis said annoyed.

"What did you take her to the hospital for?" Harry further asked like he seriously wanted to know and Louis was surprised for a bit.

"She fell, fractured her leg. I tell her not to do so much work around the house, she just never listens. But she does make the best cookies for me." Louis pointed out.

"Then you probably never had the cookies I make." Harry said with a smirk.

Louis almost spurted out his drink, "You make cookies?"

"And cakes too, I used to work in a bakery." Harry said, grinning.

Well Louis didn't expect that.

"Well then you have to make cookies or cakes for me too someday." Louis said, grinning.

"Ofcourse, come home this Saturday. It's Gemma, my sister's, birthday so I'll have to do the baking." Harry said, smiling back.

"Sure thing Mr.Styles, sure thing."

Louis was so fucking excited.

"Anyway, about the recent expenditure by the company..."

Ofcourse the had to fucking work, Louis thought but paid attention to Harry anyway.



Follow me on Insta if u like seeing my face or things I find pretty - zahrasayed13

I'm thinking of putting updates on Twitter if you guys would like that? Like lemme know ?? It's - theyaremysons :)

Let me know if you like the chap, my exams got over finally !!

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