Greasy in my seat!

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Louis wasn't nervous.

It wasn't like he was going to be seated among the most richest people alive.

He looked up at his leaking ceiling. Fucking ironic.

He wondered when his first pay check would come. He fucking needed it.

He then remember he had to get ready and Mr.Styles was going to come pick him up.

Right, fuck, okay.

He got up and hurriedly went to the bathroom.

Once he had his shower, he styled his hair into a quiff and then dared to touch the Gucci suit.

Once the suit was on him he turned towards Julie who meowed, pleased (that's what Louis thought anyway)

Then Louis sat and nervously tied the knots of his formal shoes. Once he was done he he bounced his knee restlessly.

Suddenly there was a knock on his door and he freaked out because how did Mr.Styles know which room he lives in?

He rushed to the door and opened the it, to find Daisy standing there.

She raised her eyebrows.

"For once you look nice, handsome actually

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"For once you look nice, handsome actually." She said, making her way into the house.

Louis rolled his eyes, yes she fought with him when it came to his cat's poop , which wasn't his cat's, but she was basically Louis' caretaker. Like a mother really. Anne was close to the second one.

Daisy came in and checked whether Louis washed his dishes, did his laundry, had eaten in a week or not and all of that sorts. It's not like Louis was a grown adult. And Daisy felt alone, her two sons had left her and when she called them up to come over or to ask whether they were alright, the call just went to voice mail. Louis remembered when she'd cried and told Louis the story and then patted Louis' cheek and said, 'you're my son now.' Louis had cried too.

"It's an important meeting." Louis said, watching as Daisy kept the cookies on the kitchen table.

He grinned and went to take one.

Daisy snorted, "You just want to impress that boss of yours that's all. He is quite attractive if you ask me. I wouldn't be surprised if you wanted him in your bed. Or want to be in his bed, since it'll be better than his stupid mattress of yours."

Louis blushed, "First off don't insult my mattress and secondly I do like him, not sure about him though, he's like emotionless it seems...rarely smiles. It took the DNA thing to make him laugh. And when did you see him?

"He'd come out of the car to make a call and that DNA joke wasn't even funny, he just tries not to laugh around people I suppose. Anyways that's for you to figure out," she said, placing Julie's food bowl on the floor for her (the irony), "for now you need to leave, your boss is calling." She said, handing Louis' phone to him.

"Thank you Daisy, shut the door as you leave please? I'll meet you in the evening I'll let you know how the meeting goes if you're lucky enough!" Louis said, walking out the door.

"No one wants to know about that stupid meeting!" Daisy called after him.

Louis just smiled and made his way down.


Once Louis reached his boss' car which was parked in front of his building his smile fell, because in the passenger seat —where he was supposed to sit mind that— was sitting some other dude talking to his Mr.Styles (Louis gets carried away it's okay).

Louis huffed and opened the door to the back seat and slammed it shut and sunk in the back seat a pout on his face, why is that whenever he sits in Mr.Styles' car he's pissed?

"Good morning to you too Louis!" Harry said from ahead, looking at Louis through the review mirror, as he started the car.

Louis just huffed.

"I was expecting that perfect coffee of yours, I'm disappointed." Mr.styles tried again.

Louis sighed, it wasn't Harry's fault, he can make anyone sit in his passenger seat it's not like he's Louis' boyfriend or anything (Louis wishes he was).

"The shop is just round the corner, stop there and I'll get it. We're half an hour ahead of schedule anyway." Louis said, looking out the window.

Suddenly the dude sitting in the passenger seat cleared his throat.

"Right, Louis meet Mr.Nick Grimsaw, he's one of the owners of the top five companies. His car crashed on the way so I decided to give him a lift. And Mr.Grimsaw this is Mr.Tomlinson my secretary." Harry introduced.

Louis was glad Harry didn't tell that Greasy to call Louis by his first name and he was glad too that he was given a reason why Greasy was in Louis' seat , even though Harry didn't need to because this was his car and all that, Louis was glad Mr.Styles thought there was a need to do that (yes there was) ,like he was obligated (which he was not).

"It's nice to meet you." Greasy said, turning his head back to look at Louis.

Louis just nodded. What? He didn't like this dude,ok?

Harry stopped in front of the coffee shop and Louis got Mr.Styles coffee the way he liked it and he asked Greasy if he would like anything because Mr.Styles was giving him 'the eyes' to do it.

Once he got both of their orders and got himself a smoothie , he sat in the backseat with a sigh, Harry looked at him through the rear view mirror every once in a while as he conversed with Greasy.

This was going to be a long day. Louis thought.

Then his eyes fell on the red suit Harry was wearing and he met Harry's eye in the rear view mirror and grinned, pointing at his suit and giving him an impressed look. And Mr.Styles grinned wide at that and Louis thinks he imagined the pink of Mr.Styles cheeks.

Well the day wouldn't be so bad.



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