But he was too late.

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If Louis said he was getting bored to death in the hospital he would be lying. Harry somehow managed to make the miserable hospital life something Louis wanted to live forever.

Minus the cast on his hand ofcourse and the bandages.

It just Louis couldn't even complain about the cast when this fucking beautiful human being was sitting next to him and making stupid puns which weren't even funny (Louis laughed anyway) (he is fucking whipped he knows) and read him books as Louis went to sleep and fed him soup and just Louis felt taken care of. He wondered when was the last time he was so pampered and given attention to. It felt amazing.

But it sucked too because he as the days passed he fell more and more in love with Harry. The amount of time he caught himself just staring at Harry and smiling at him like a creep was just annoying. Not to mention the times Niall and Liam caught him doing that.

He wanted to tell Harry how he felt and he was so close to, he said it a million times too, but all he could think was what he had to give to this beautiful human being called Harry Styles. He was confident about himself,yes, but when you see Harry and how wonderful he is , you just know he deserves the world and you want to give it to him and Louis was scared that he wouldn't be able to do that.

Then of course Anne came to meet him too. A day before he was being discharged from the hospital. She had cooed at him and kissed him so many times, Louis couldn't even count.

Then she said something which made Louis' freeze,

"Harry is getting engaged this Friday," she paused looking at him, Louis wondered what she was looking for, he gulped and said, "yeah? How hav-have the preparations been?"

"I have to do everything, since Harry's been here most of the time."

"I'm sorry about that..." Louis mumbled, picking on his hospital clothes.

"Will you be there? You're getting discharged tomorrow." She said.

"Yeah-yeah ofcourse!" Louis put it in as enthusiastically as he could.

Don't cry. Don't fucking cry. He willed himself, digging his thumb nail in his palms.

Anne smiled at him, "Is there anything going on in your mind, love? There's still time." Louis' mind didn't know what she meant, it was just screaming that Harry was going to be someone else's fiancé in a few days and how was Louis going to take all this and what Louis was going to do and how was everything supposed to be okay?

"No-I'm good." He replied smiling.

"I'll see you then." She said, smiling, kissing Louis' forehead one last time she left.

Louis didn't care about soaking his pillow wet after that.

"So he sent you guys because he has to prepare for his engagement?" Louis asked, gulping, Liam and Niall looking at him sadly.

"I got you ice cream?" Niall said it like more of a question.

"And I have movies? I'm pretty sure you can put them here.." Liam said, looking sadly at Louis.

"Yeah I'd like that." Louis said, sniffling.

"And can I get cuddles too?"

"Ofcourse, the hospital bed is going to break though." Liam said, snuggling close to Louis.

"Let that fucking styles pay for it." Niall said, before climbing in and cuddling Louis too.

"You could just talk to him you know?" Liam said, caressing Louis' hair.

"It's no use. Wouldn't want to ruin a perfect engagement anyways. Don't want to lose my job too. I have Julie to treat like a queen and Daisy too." Louis said, sniffling, his hand covered with cast over his stomach.

Liam went to protest but stopped mid way. Him and Niall both knew it was useless.

For fucks sake Styles, do something. Niall thought.


Harry's finger hovered over the call button when suddenly his name was called,

"Haz! Did you pick out the ring? What would you like?" Nick said, sitting next to him, his eyes on the rings displayed in front of them.

"Just choose whatever Nick." Harry said, sighing, hoping that Louis was okay. He didn't want to be here, he wanted to be with Louis, god dammit. And he wanted to call him and here his voice and know if he was okay and if he was having his food and was taking care and maybe hear his laugh too if he was lucky enough. Or Louis' giggle if he was luckier.

Then his eyes fell on a ring.

A silver plain ring with a blue stone which reminded him of Louis' eyes. Harry's lips twitched into a smile, imagining Louis' eyes twinkling, the crinkles on display as he smiled wide.

when this heart of yours, feels content, happy, like its going to burst and you learn how to smile without a reason, that's when you know you're in love.

The familiar words rung in harry's head as he caught his smiling reflection in the glass containing the rings.

He looked back at Nick, thinking how wrong it felt. He again got the feeling. The feeling where he felt like he was running out of time, like he was missing out on something, if he didn't hurry up something would terribly go wrong.

He felt like the helpless 19 year old boy, who was running, running fast so that he could meet his sick father. But he was too late. He wished he had left sooner, he wished he hadn't been at work, he wished he'd just left the meeting and been there with his father because that's what he was supposed to do. He was supposed to be there.

"We'll take these two, thank you very much." Harry heard Nick say.

And soon Nick was walking out of the shop, a bag in his hand, containing two rings, and called Harry after him.

Harry looked down at the ring with the blue stone.

"I'll buy that."

He wouldn't miss out on anything this time. He wouldn't be late.He wouldn't let Louis go. He couldn't.

This sucks??? Idk man. I just want to write the next part. Hope it wasn't too bad.

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