23.7K 580 59

An Appreciation Letter.

I don't know know how I started writing, how I got into it. I never would have thought I would write. But then I started off with writing a cliché book on Quotev  which my cousin supported me through. [i don't think I ever completed it. Oh well.] Then came Imprinting (Twilight version) and with the support of my cousin(yet again) I started writing a Jared and Kim fanfic. I wrote in a book. Published it here, along with 5-6 more books, one direction based ofcourse. [they're off the face of the Internet. So don't worry.]

Then I wrote creep and I used to always wait for the day it'll start getting recognition and the day when it'll reach 1K votes. That never happened. I stopped caring about votes at some point. Then creep did reach 1K . The Taming the Shrew almost won an award and then everything just flowed along  you know ?
Royal Crowns and aprons was the book where I achieved my first goal of getting 1K votes on an ongoing book and I thought that's how far this gets.
But then I wrote So much more to you and then I wrote Mr.Styles. I currently have 6K votes on this story and it isn't even completed. You guys have no idea how much this means to me. I'm not evolved yet. There's still learning for me but I'll get there. But right now I want to thank each and everyone of you for getting me this far. I love you guys. This means so much. My heart is about to explode you guys have no idea.
So I'm going to do this thing. I have this story which has 3-4 chapters written and it's new and I even have the cover made and everything. I wasn't going to post it until I was done with school but I'm so excited for you guys to see. Thank you for every vote, every comment. It means the world to me. You guys have no idea. I love you guys so so so fucking much. And the story will be up , if you want to have a look.
[do I look like an attention seeker? Idk man. I just wanted to let you guys know how much I appreciate every single one of you.]

And you guys can always talk to we where ever! I love you guys a lot okay?

- All the love x

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