Wondering who the old one is here.

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Daisy groaned when the phone rang. She rolled her wheel chair towards it cursing her fractured leg.

"Hello? Whose this?" She asked annoyed.

"Hello, are you Louis Tomlinson's family?"

"Yes? What's wrong ?" Daisy asked concerned because no one ever called her about anything related to Louis.

"Well, I'm calling from the Western Hospital and Louis Tomlinson has met with an accident. This was the emergency number saved on his phone. We would like you to come as soon as possible. Thank you."

"I'm...I'm on my way." Daisy said, hurriedly keeping the phone and grabbing the keys to Louis' house.

She wheeled herself as fast as she could to Louis' apartment rummaging through his drawers to find the card of the company he was working in. Daisy didn't know anything about Louis' friends all she knew was Mr.Styles was Louis' boss and Louis knew him and talked to him and Daisy didn't know how he was as a person or if he would care or not but she had no choice sitting on the wheel chair.

Julie stood there meowing.

"Do you know know where his company's card is?" Daisy asked Julie seriously like she would reply but all Julie did was walk away.

"Stupid cat." Daisy mumbled and continued her search.

Soon Julie came strutting back and placed a card on Daisy's lap.

It read

'The Styles Enterprises'

"God bless Louis for training you so well." Daisy said and quickly dialled the number to his company.


Harry glanced at the clock again wondering what's taking Louis so long. He tried to pay attention to the men speaking in front of him.

"Excuse me Mr.Styles.." One of his employees called out, peeping through the glass door.

"I'm sorry to disturb but there's this woman called Daisy asking for you...and I think it's really urgent? She's um..talking about suing me in court if I don't hand the phone over to you."

Harry remembered Daisy from one of Louis' conversations.

"Excuse me gentlemen." Harry said, standing up and buttoning his coat and walking away from the owners of the top five companies.

Harry walked over to the phone and picked it up, "Hello, Harry speaking."

"Harry Louis' in the hospital, he's met with an accident. You better drag your ass right here and take me to him— you really don't want to see the ugly side of me Styles—"

"I'll be there in five." Harry said and kept the phone.

For once he had to tell his heart to calm down, for his brain to calm down, he gulped.

"Cancel the meeting, tell them it's postponed, I'll send them the details later, I need to rush." Harry said, before sprinting.

The employees looked at their ever so calm boss go bonkers and running out of the office like a mad man, a clumsy mad man who was tripping ever so often.

Harry didn't care how his bambi legs were taking him, all he could manage to do at that particular moment was pray to god that Louis was okay.


"Daisy— okay good you're already here." Harry said to Daisy, who was already outside her flat both her's and Louis' doors closed. He grabbed the handles of Daisy's wheel chair and took her to the elevator.

"Ofcourse I'm ready my son's in the hospital." Daisy snapped.

Harry didn't pay mind to that and asked her, "Which hospital?" As they got out of the elevator.

"Western Hospital, hurry up! I'm wondering who the old one is here." Daisy said, grabbing Harry's hand and climbing into his car.

And once Daisy was safely seated(Harry thought Louis wouldn't want Daisy to be hurt so her safety was one of his priorities) Harry climbed into the driver's seat and sped all the way to the hospital and if he violated a hundred traffic rules that day , Harry really didn't care.

Just please Louis, be okay. Harry prayed with his eyes shut. That's all he could do.


Y'all are gonna kill me ....
( sorry this is short I'm just vvv tired and I was supposed to update sooner but I'm a lazy piece of shit and I was out on a holiday)
(I really deserve a bouquet of flowers and chocolates and lots of food and love and cuddles honestly, I deserve it so fucking much SJWJDNSN )

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