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Louis stepped out of the BMW and straitened his Gucci suit. He followed Mr.Styles behind in the glass building.

Greasy next to Mr.Styles.

Right Louis forgot this dude existed.

Harry waited for Louis to catch up to him and motioned Greasy to go forward. Louis grinned at that.

Once Louis was next to Harry, Harry bent down to whisper in Louis' ears,

"You remember the rules right?"

Louis gulped, hoping he wouldn't get a boner.

Not here please, he isn't talking about kinky sex brain he's talking about the meeting, concentrate.

He breathed in to cool down his heated cheeks(it didn't work) , and nodded.

"Good." Mr.Styles said and walked forward, his hand behind his back.

Louis wanted it to be around his waist but...

Soon they were in the building and going up the lift.

Then they entered a room after Mr.Styles signed into something and when the guard stopped Louis he said, 'He's with me.' And honestly Louis was loving the way Mr.Styles was treating him, like he was important.

Once in the room, Louis stood next to Mr.Styles like all the other assistants, while Harry sat on a spinning chair  which was right in the front, the head chair.

Louis was so smug about this.

Louis was confused as Mr.Styles motioned for one of the guards to bring forward a chair.

Louis raised an eyebrow.

"You aren't going to stand this whole time right?" Harry asked, his face expressionless.

Louis wanted to squeal but he controlled himself and sat down next to Harry with a satisfied grin as the other assistants looked at him.

Louis was glad his boss cared about his employees so much.

Soon the meeting began and Louis just listened, Mr.Styles did too and he didn't speak much other than putting his views every once in a while.

Louis noticed the other assistants giving each other looks and Louis knew something was fishy.

Soon there was a break and Louis went to get Harry his coffee, on his way back he heard some of the assistants whispering to each other,

"I've heard George is going to sell off his company is it true Stacy?" One of them asked.

"Yes, he wants to give everything up and spend rest of the time with his ill wife. But his bank balance will last him for the rest of his life." Stacy said.

And that was it, there was silence after that and Louis left.

The meeting dragged on and really Louis was bored out of his mind.

These people were already successful, like super successful and they still wanted more?

Soon the meeting got over and Louis controlled himself from jumping and dancing, and maybe restrained himself from kissing Mr.Styles because he looked so good in that suit, but no one has to know that.

Louis followed behind his boss and glared at Mr.Greasy as he stopped them and conversed with Mr.Styles.

Louis sighed and stood as they talked, his shoulders hunched.

"Mr.Styles!" A voice boomed.

Now who wants to have eye sex with Mr.Styles? Louis thought.

"Stanly." Harry said, nodding at the man walking towards them.

Louis had heard that name somewhere, no read it somewhere, files files files....

"I heard you got a new assistant? You know those things don't go well in a business like ours. I wouldn't be surprised if you won't be here in the next meeting." He said, laughing.

Harry just stood there and Louis' blood boiled with anger because this man right here was insulting him, his work and Louis wouldn't take that, so he stepped forward.

"From the way your company is asking for donations from our company, if I was you I would be worried about myself and the efficient working of my assistant and not others, Mr.Stinkly." He said, his hands crossed across his chest. 

The man stood there gaping at Louis. Reading those files does come in handy.

Soon Mr.Styles was next to him, he nodded once at Stanly and then guided Louis out the building with a hand on his back.

Louis' boss dropped him home and gave him a smile as he stepped out the car and Louis returned it.

Little did Louis know the stir this little action of support of his boss had caused in the industries, he was too lost imagining Mr.Styles' soft lips on his.


Hope you liked that xxx

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