Shit, Mr.Styles is gay

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"This is the last one Mr.Styles." Louis said firmly, huffing, and walking out of the dressing room.

He had tried on atleast seven to eight suits and he was tired. His stomach agreed.

He watched Mr.Styles' lips twitch like he was trying very hard to suppress his smile.

Louis couldn't help but smile at that.

"That's alright because this one is perfect." Harry said, and called Will over.

"Will this one is the one. Have it fitted, we don't want any unnecessary loose ends." Harry said, and Will started  taking Louis' measurements.

"I'm pretty sure this is perfect..."Louis said, raising his hand as Will measured his chest.

"Absolutely not. Will when will this be done?" Harry asked.

"By tomorrow afternoon."

"Alright, please send it over to my house then. Louis come over and grab it from my place, I'll send you my address, I won't be there but I'm sure someone will hand it over to you." Mr.Styles said, his hands set behind his back.

"Okay." Louis said, he was going to Harry's house, the fuck.

"So can we go to Mc.Donalds now? I'm super hungry." Louis asked, once Will was done taking the measurements.

Harry looked at him funny.

"What? My treat okay?" Louis said, his eyebrows raised.

Harry looked like he was about to say something but decided against it and just nodded.

Once Harry had paid the bill they walked out together and went over to the Mc.Donald joint in the mall.

Louis bounced on his feet and happily skipped into the small restaurant, Harry walking slowly behind him.

Louis turned back to look at Harry, he looked so out of place, he wasn't wearing his suit but Harry screamed luxury and he looked like the one to go to fine diners, but some how Harry was able to fit in by holding the door open for the lady who was carrying a baby in her one hand and looked so in distress with her arms full of baby and other bags. She gave Harry a grateful smile at that and Harry just nodded. Louis wondered if that smile was just reserved for him, he hoped it was.

Louis snapped out of his daze when Harry stood before him, his eyebrows raised.

"Are you just gonna stand there or order something?" He asked.

"Right." Louis said, looking up at the menu.

Once they had gotten their orders, they sat in a booth in the back. Louis looked at Mr.Styles who had just ordered an iced tea.

"Are you sure you don't want anything else?" Louis asked, munching on his fries.

"Positive." Harry said, removing his cell phone and texting someone.

Louis huffed because that's just plain rude. He was supposed to converse with Louis for fucks sake!

Louis just sighed, why did he even think that this was going to be any different.

Once he was done, they made their way out and that's when Mr.Styles ran into his old friend.

Literally, old.


"Jaan?" Mr.Styles asked, his face splitting into a wide grin and he pulled that old lady into a big hug.

Well he does have emotions. Louis thought.

"It's been so long since I last saw you! Look how big you've grown! One day I saw this magazine and the model on it looked exactly liked you and was a business tycoon and all that. I knew my little cookie baker couldn't be a business tycoon of all things." Harry blushed at that and Louis smirked, ha so Mr.Styles baked huh? Something to blackmail him about.

"Jaan that is me, I run a company now." Harry said, laughing at the woman's face of disbelief.

Then Jaans eyes fell on Louis,"And whose this young man out here? Is he your boyfriend Harry? You always wanted a boyfriend." She said, coming over to Louis and holding his arms.

Harry laughed and Louis blushed, "No he's not, he's my secretary, Louis ."

Jaan's head snapped back, "That's not really the answer I wanted, but I approve anyway."

Harry just shook his head, like it didn't affect him in anyway, "Do you want me to drop you home? We were leaving anyway."

"That would be lovely. Cmon Louis lets go." Jaan said looping her arms around Louis' and walking ahead.

Louis heard eagerly as she spoke about her cat and Louis told her about his. And they talked all about the cat species.

And when Mr.Styles dropped him home later after making him promise that he won't tell anyone in the office about Jaan or anything, he remembered something Jaan said:

"You always wanted a boyfriend."

And then a grin spread across his face as he realised :

Shit, Mr.Styles is gay.


Just a filler and small and like it's not really great but school's been busy and I'm lazy so trying to keep up with school is hard enough, I hope you guys understand. Thank you for the 200+ votes already and 2k+ views. Love you guys xx

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