You're a ray of sunshine Daisy, really.

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Louis wanted to do this without any mistakes. He didn't want any trouble and he didn't want anyone to catch him.

Well that's what he wanted, not necessarily got.

So when he was on his perfectly(note the sarcasm) planned out mission to save Daisy from that crazy Grimshit brother, he got caught.

Now you're wondering how he knew where Daisy was? It was simple.

He had heard Harry talking to one of the men who give Harry information about everything.

Louis wasn't patient  enough to wait for Harry and he thought he could have done it himself because there was nothing Louis William Tomlinson couldn't do.

Louis hated himself for taking irrational steps but he just sighs, he's still probably gonna take some irrational steps. That's just how Louis is.

So Louis snuck out at night , wearing all black and drove over to the place where Daisy was held.

Once outside the place, Louis scrunched up his nose. It was like a warehouse and it looked disgusting. Poor Daisy had to stay in that thing.

Louis got out of his car and slowly made his way towards the warehouse.

He tip  toed his way there, blood pumping through his veins and he was excited, adrenaline courses through him and he thought at that instance he could rule the world(he thought that every moment but.)

But suddenly he heard men walking towards him, he quickly hid behind a bush and peeked.

"That old lady is crazy." Louis heard one of them say and frowned. Those bastards.

"What do you think you're doing?" Louis heard from above him.

His eyes widened and he looked up to see one of the security guys. He gulped.
Shit this wasn't the plan. Louis thought.

He was soon accompanied by another one of the security guys.

Now what?

Louis thought.

Soon he was being picked up by the guys and dragged towards the warehouse.

"Leave me you peasants! I said unhand me this instance!" Louis said? Wriggling in their grip.

"You guys don't know who I am, I'm Louis William Tomlinson! Soon to be Styles, so just unhand me!" Louis shouted but it all went to vain.

The men who had caught Louis trying to sneak him, were taking him to Joseph(obviously)who, much to Louis' luck, met them on the way.

"Wipe that grin off your face." Louis snaps.

"Honestly it's just all so easy, I thought I'll have to work on a plan to get you and I was almost excited to make an elaborate plan. I'm disappointed, really." Joseph says smirking still.

"Anyway, please lead Louis to my office." Joseph says moving towards to what Louis assumed was his 'office'.

This place honestly stinks, Louis thought.

The wooden floor creaked beneath his feet as he walked, unwillingly to the office.

He tried to wriggle free from the men one more time and also demanded them to leave him again but they did not listen.

Louis sighed, accepting defeat and was pushed into the room by the men holding him.

He almost banged into Joseph.

"You know you're supposed to walk—Hazza!" Louis shouts, a grin on his face when he spots Harry sitting on the spinning chair near the main desk, his hands on the desk, his black suit fitting him properly and gosh Louis could ride him right there and then.

"Leave him." Harry tells the men holding Louis and surprisingly they do too.

Louis goes over to Harry ,a grin on his face, and sits on his lap and nuzzles his nose in the crook of Harry's neck.

Home. He thinks and sighs.

"Joseph you can close your mouth this isn't all that surprising." Harry says, his hands tight around Louis' waist.


"Joseph all you need is willing participants. You once told me 'Win over their trust Harry always, do them a favour, they'll always be ready to help then.' I did just that. Turns out they weren't working for you for that long. No wonder you used to never 'expand', too bad you left those people behind too."  Harry says, caressing Louis' sides.

Joseph doesn't say anything.

"Listen Joseph, I could call the cops right now and turn you in. But I'm not going to do that. Taking into consideration what you've done for me, for old times sake really," Harry sighs,
"Just leave Joseph and never come back. Please. I didn't mean to break your heart or your brothers. I'm really sorry for what you guys had to go through but I can't force myself to feel something. I hope you understand."

"Listen to him mate." Louis adds in.

Joseph doesn't say anything and just leaves.

"Well then, I thought my pretty face was going to be ruined." Louis said, wiggling on Harry's lap.

Harry grasp his hips, stopping him.

"You think I'd let that happen?" Harry says smiling, kissing Louis on the lips.

Louis smiles into the kiss.

When they pull back Harry speaks, "But honestly don't ever pull shit like that ever again. You can't just do that Louis!"

"Well, no promises."


"Took you long enough you idiots! This room stinks! What's the use of you being a owner of a big ass company when you can every get me out.." Daisy kept complaining as Harry pushed her wheel chair, Louis next to him.

"Atleast I can use the gun you gave me." Daisy says, removing it from the pockets of her dress.

"They let you keep it? They didn't even check you?" Louis asks in disbelief.

"Hey being old has its perks. And I'm going to use it, I think on that man he has a big mouth." Daisy said, looking at the man who was outside her room.

"They are on our side Daisy." Louis explains.

"He still said some nasty stuff." She says before firing near the man's foot.

"Next time the bullet will go through your shoulder or brain so watch your mouth." Daisy says, squinting at the man while passing him.

"You're a ray of sunshine Daisy, really."

It's not edited and the last chapter. There will be an epilogue though. Don't worry. I'm sorry it's so rushed idek. I'm going to post a new story soon though so! Love you guys and thank you for the massive support and love you've given to this story.

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