Do you know how better we could have fucked, daddy?

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"Miss me ? Who the fuck is that? I swear to god Harry if one of your ex-lovers pops up I will not hesitate to kill." Louis snapped.

"Fortunately for me and you, I don't have ex-lovers. Nobody loves a pigeon toed loser, of course it was different when I became a businessman but you know what I mean." Harry said, examining the paper, running a hand through his hair trying to figure out who it can be.

"Well I love your pigeon toe-ness." Louis said, smacking a kiss on Harry's cheeks.

Harry just grinned at him.

"Is it Grimshit ?" Louis asked then, his hands around Harry's shoulders.

"It's not him, he's in Vegas, he's not been out of a particular casino since he left that day from here." Harry said, sighing.

Louis raised his eyebrows,"How do you know that?"

"I like to keep a check on people who might be a potential threat to my loved ones." Harry said giving Louis a look.

"The thought you have connections like that turns me on, is that okay?" Louis asks, cheekily.

Harry groans, "Louis."

"Sorry, sorry. But do you have any idea who it could be?"

"If it is who I think it is, it won't be long before we receive another one of these." Harry said, referring to the letter, and placing it away.

"Do I have to worry in that field?" Louis asked, frowning.

"If that field means, you competing with him for my love then no, you never have to worry about that—"

Louis grinned wide.

"But if that field means he might kill someone then yes. You need to worry. But I'm still not sure if it's him or not so." Harry said, sighing.

"Well I've always fancied the idea of getting killed." Louis joked.

"Don't worry, if he's a threat so am I."

"How do you even have connections with people like him?"

"Well Louis, behind every great fortune there is a crime. Of course I haven't committed a crime, just asked for a favour from someone who has." Harry said, narrowing his eyes.

"I've always loved dangerous men." Louis said, dreamily.


Of course like Harry said, there was another letter just like the first one lying on Louis' desk the next day with Harry's name on it.

Honestly why not just keep it on Harry's desk if it was for him. Louis thought, annoyed.

Louis scrunched up his nose and went over to Harry's room.

"The letter has arrived!" Louis said, placing it on Harry's table.

Harry who was standing looking out of the glass windows, came over to open it, when Louis spoke,
"Honestly why not just place it on your desk if it's for you. I always get my hopes high."

"You seriously think anyone can just walk into my office without my presence? This place is fully secure. I have important files in here Louis. And why do you get your hopes high? You expect someone to keep a letter on your table?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Well I like having admirers! It feels nice to know I still have my charm. " Louis says, grinning.

"We're not married yet, Louis." Harry said, rolling his eyes.

"What? It feels like we've been married for at least ten years now."

"Sure thing, Lou."

Harry said before reading what was written on the paper.

Pied piper can drive all the rats out of the city,
But some are just too stubborn.
They still thrive in the darkest of corners.
Come and find me, Precious.

Harry glared at the paper, clutching it tightly.

"Precious? That actually fits you really well, bet it fits young Harry even more. Man, did you have a reputation back then? And what does this even mean?" Louis rambled.

Harry just got up from his place and walked over to the cupboard, opening it to reveal a locker.

"Is this what you meant by 'this place is fully secure' ?" Louis asked, peeping over Harry's shoulders.

Harry smirked, "And of course the laser beams which activate once I've left the office."

"Laser beams—what the fuck Harry? You never told me about this side of you, do you know how better we could have fucked, daddy?"

"Well now you do, so we can from now on." Harry said, shrugging.


Harry typed in the correct number. The locker opened to reveal a gun.

"Louis I want you to listen to me very carefully."


:) x


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