Right then, they both felt invincible.

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"Harry?" Louis says, looking ahead, gently tracing Harry's fingers, Harry's hand around his waist from behind.

"Hmm." Harry mumbles, his face buried in the crook of Louis' neck.

"Let's get married." Louis says, looking down at his engagement ring.

Harry snorts, "Our wedding is in a week, I think we have covered that."

"I mean let's get married now, ASAP." Louis says, turning around in Harry's arms and looking into his eyes.

"But we've done all the preparations Lou we can't really cancel them." Harry says, frowning.

Louis smooths the frown lines, caressing Harry's cheekbones gently.

"Who says we won't get married then? What's the harm in getting married twice? It'll just be you and me today." Louis says, smiling.

Harry tries to not smile back and tell Louis no, but the idea doesn't seem so bad and it's not like Harry has a problem with calling Louis is husband a week earlier. He sighs in defeat.

"Which wedding chapel is going to be open at this time?" Harry says, getting up to put on his shoes.

Louis grins and gets up too, "Let's check the GPS, I'm sure one will be open, come on we can't be late."

"It's already eight, dong think we can be late at this point." Harry says, picking up his car keys and moving towards the door.

"We'll get married today Harry Styles, you just see." Louis says, putting a fedora on Harry's head and grinning wide.

Harry smiles back, straightening Louis' cap.

"Let's go."


"You don't know how thankful we are." Louis says as he follows the man inside the chapel, Harry behind him.

"It was pretty last moment..." the man says, looking from Harry to Louis.

"Yeah it was an impulsive decision, we had been to two other chapels before this and when we reached yours you were almost closing, it was very generous of you to do this for us." Louis says nodding, grinning down at the bouquet of white lilies in his hands, he had insisted that he got them.

Harry snorts next to him.

"Are you both sure...about this?" The man asks, picking up his book.

"Of course, we're supposed to be married in a week but we wanted something personal and just for us so." Louis says, grinning.

The man looks at them like their crazy but then follows the process anyway.

Louis turns to Harry and smiles at him the whole time, Harry mirroring his smile.

"I love you so much." Harry mumbles when the man stops speaking and declares them husband and husband.

"I love you too." Louis says, grinning, and closing the distance between them and kissing Harry on the mouth.


"WE JUST GOD MARRIED!" Louis shouts on the top of his lungs as they walk on the streets, Harry laughs and pulls Louis towards him and keeps him near his side, a hand around his shoulders.

People look at them and Louis smiles back at a girl, about their age, smiling at them.

"Wait," he tells Harry and then turns towards the girl and hands her his bouquet of flowers, "we just got married." He tells her in a whisper.

She grins wider, "Congratulations." She says and Louis nods at her and then walks back to Harry and kisses him.

"This is the best impulsive decision I've ever made." Louis says after pulling back.

"I think I'll have to agree on that one." Harry says, kissing his forehead.

And then they walk happily into the night, newly married. Right then, they both felt invincible.


"No you don't understand, I talked to you about this before. I want the posters to be white, you're a marketing guy you should know what gets the public's attention." Harry says, through his phone which is pressed between his ears and his shoulder, one hand stirring the pasta in the pot and the other hand busy holding his one year old daughter up.

"Dad!" She squeals, Harry gives her a grin.

"Hello!" He hears Louis behind him and he breaths a sigh of relief, he hands Hera over to Louis and takes the phone in his hand.

"Yes, that'll be okay. Yes good talk. I should see the posters up by the end of the week." Harry says, before keeping his phone aside and turning towards his husband.

"Hey." He says, grinning.

Louis grins back and kisses him on the mouth.

"It's movie night Haz, no work today remember?" Louis says, taking the bottle of milk that Harry hands him, and placing it near Hera's mouth. She takes it happily.

"I'm sorry, I didn't exactly get anything done yesterday, thanks to my husband." Harry says, giving Louis a stern stare.

"Oh such a horrible husband, don't know how you could be with him." Louis says, rolling his eyes.

"I just love him a lot can't really help it." Harry says, shrugging and Louis gives him a smile.

"Papa I put the movie in let's go!" Jason, their six year old son says, pulling Louis' hand.

"You guys go ahead I'll bring the pasta." Harry says, and turns to bring out the plates while Louis goes into the living room.

When Harry sits next to Louis his son tucked to his side and their daughter cuddled on Louis' chest, he thinks he's won everything in life. And he really has.



Thank you so much to everyone's whose been there through the whole story. Thank you for supporting me and encouraging me and just being so nice all the time. Love you guys so much x

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