Gucci store

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Louis woke up in distress. Yes he had picked out the outfit he was supposed to wear, yes he'd picked out his favourite vans, yes he even decided what hairstyle he'd make but still he was distressed.

He shook his head, getting up from his bed and telling himself to calm down.

Julie sat next to him on the couch as he had his head in his hands.

"I just really like him Julie, I don't want to fuck it up even though there is nothing to fuck up." Louis said to his cat, patting her head as she purred.

"I'll just go have my bath, that ought to calm me down." Louis said, getting up and walking to his bathroom.

When he was out his cat was sitting outside looking at him expectedly.

Louis went over and put on his three fourths and the pastel pink and blue tshirt he had chosen the day prior and turned towards Julie.

"What do you think?" He asked.

She meowed and walked away, Louis for a minute thought she looked proud.

Louis hummed to himself and styled his hair into a messy cliff.

Once he was done he made himself some toast and tea and sat next to Julie and they both ate their breakfast accompanying each other.

It was their thing, Julie wouldn't eat her food if Louis wasn't standing or sitting with her or anywhere near her basically and Louis did get a bit lonely eating alone so turned towards Julie for comfort, it wasn't like he had a partner to turn towards. Louis sighed, his mood worsening thinking about his loneliness.

He should've been used to it by now, since both his parents were dead for about ten years now and he had moved from his  aunts house for about seven years. He'd been living alone for seven years, yet he wasn't used to this.

Louis was spacing out looking at his cabinets when his phone buzzed, it was from Harry.

I'm here.

It said and Louis' heartbeat quickened and a smile etched his lips.

"I'll be back, Jules." He said, patting his cat and getting up.

Louis grabbed his sunglasses, wallet and walked out the door. He locked the door shut, (yes he trusted his cat enough to leave it alone) and walked towards the lift whistling. It was a miracle how Harry—Mr.Styles— could change his mood.

"Louis Tomlinson!" His old neighbour shouted from her window.

"Oh boy." He mumbled, stopping on the gravelled path and turning back to look at his neighbour who was shouting from her window.

"Your cat has pooped in front of my door again!" Daisy, the old neighbour said.

Louis took in a breath,"What makes you so sure it's my cat woman! There are like five cats in the whole building and you blame only mine!"

"Because I saw yours doing so!"

Louis huffed and walked towards the black car which was standing before his building and opened the door.

"I ask for a DNA test! Then we'll see whose cat it was and whose not  and yes you'll pay!" Louis shouted before sitting in the passenger seat and slamming the door shut, forgetting it was Mr.Styles some expensive care, sliding down in his seat, arms crossed across his chest and a pout on his face.

Then he heard the most angelic thing ever.

Mr.Styles' laugh.

Shit he almost forgot he was with Mr.Styles.

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