"Fuck,Louis, you're so pretty."

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It's was a normal day at the Styles Enterprises, totally. The only difference was that, Mr.Styles wasn't working, no, he was fucking spinning on his huge ass chair because "Louis I just don't feel like working, I want a break."

And who was Louis to tell his boss what to do?

"By the way congratulations on the success of your new product Mr.Styles." Louis teased, standing in front of Harry, his hands placed on Harry's shoulders.

"Don't call me that." Harry said, frowning.

"What should you call you then? Let me guess, daddy?" Louis said, looking at Harry through his eyelashes. Holding back a laugh.

Harry groaned, his pupils darkening.

"Oh fuck, I didn't know —shit." Louis stuttered.

"Don't start something you can't finish, princess." Harry said, raising his eyebrows.

Well, Louis could definitely finish this, do this for as long as he could , because have you seen Harry Styles?

So he straddled Harry's lap, his arms placed on Harry's chest.

"Who said I couldn't finish it, daddy?"

"So do I get the blowjob I earned?"

"Didn't I give it to you already?" Louis asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Well you know, success of my new product and everything."

Louis shook his head, "You're lucky I love your dick."

With that he slipped down, kneeling in front of his boss.

He pulled the zipper down, slowly, giggling when Harry started to bounce his legs, clearly impatient.

"Stop moving your legs."


Louis just shook his head fondly.

He palmed Harry through his boxers, earning a moan which went straight to his own dick.

He mouthed Harry through his boxers.

"Louis, don't tease please." Harry said, gripping Louis' hair.

Louis nosed Harry's clothed dick, then pulled his boxers down.

He licked the tip, slowly, looking at Harry through his eyelashes.

"Fuck, Louis, you're so pretty." Harry said, breathing heavily.

Louis took Harry's dick in his mouth then, sucking, hollowing his cheekbones.

Louis was pleased with the voices Harry was making.

"Lou, I'm going to..—fuck" with that Harry came.

Louis wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and got up.

"Let me take care of you." Harry said.

"No need, it's already been taken care of." Louis said, smiling.

What? Have you heard Harry's moans?


Louis hummed as he kept away the files in their respective places, for once he was in his own cabin.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Louis said, his back facing the door.

"Mr.Tomlinson?" A nervous voice asked.

Louis turned around to see someone he didn't recognise, he's probably new. Louis thought.

"Yes?" Louis answered with a smile.

"Mr.Payne asked me to hand this over to you." He said in a timid voice , moving towards Louis' table.

"Oh thank you. What's your name I haven't seen you around?"

The boy blushed, "it's Jim Ross." He said, handing over the file and knocking off the pencil stand in the process.

"Oh I'm sorry!" He said, picking it up and placing it back, frantically.

"It's quite alright." Louis said smiling.

"I'll just...I'll just leave then." He said, rubbing the back of his neck and basically sprinted out.

Louis smiled, then picked up the piece of paper George had secretly left under the pencil holder.

Louis shook his head looking at the numbers on it.

Atleast he has something to tease Harry about.


"I'm firing him." Harry said firmly, his eyes glaring at the piece of paper, his jaw clenching.

"He doesn't know we're dating Harry, calm down." Louis said, smiling, secretly loving the way Harry was reacting.

"How can he not know? everyone knows.Why is your collar buttoned to the top?" Harry huffs, undoing Louis' shirt.

Louis just looked at his boyfriend in amusement.

"There now no one will have a doubt." Harry said, fixing Louis' collar, exposing the hickeys Harry had not failed to leave.

"You're cute when you're jealous." Louis said, smiling, kissing Harry's lips.

"I'm not jealous."

"Right and I don't like your dick."


"I thought we were both stating lies."

"Jus kiss me you fool."

AND IM NEVER WRITING SMUT AGAIN NO . NoPe. THAT WAS HORRIBLE. ButTT. You know! I missed you guys and your comments motivated me to do it sooo! Yeah!! Love you guys xxx

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