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"Gemma don't! It's for Lou!" Harry shrieked at his sister as she went towards the tray of cookies Harry had baked.

Gemma just giggled and took one cookie anyway.

"You do realise you have to make up to me for my birthday, right? And not Louis."

"Yes and your cake is there, these are for Lou."

"It's going to be so much fun when he comes, I'm so excited to meet him!" Gemma squealed.

As if on que the doorbell rang. Both the Styles siblings dashed for the door trying to reach first.

But Harry being Harry tripped on the way and Gemma being the lovely sister she was stopped and doubled over with laughter.

Anne sighed going over to the door and opening it.

She smiled looking at Louis, "Hello, Louis."

"Hey Anne, how have you been?" Louis asked hugging her.

"I'm good. You? That arm is all better ?"

"Yeah, yeah. Your son doesn't let me live unless I take my medicines so it has to be alright." Louis says, sighing, a smile on his face.

"Well, I'm glad he does. I've got us tickets to this fashion show on Friday!" Anne squealed.

"I'm looking forward to it." Louis says smiling and then his eyes fell on the siblings.

Louis grinned wide as Harry,who was wearing a fucking apron with frills (Louis was going to die), stood up straight when he noticed Louis.

"Hey babe." Harry said grinning widely and walked over to Louis and pecked him on his lips.

"Hello, my frilled-apron-wearing boyfriend." Louis said, grinning.

Harry blushed at that, "Oh shit, sorry I—"

"Don't remove it! I have to click a picture!" Louis said squealing removing his phone and clicking a picture before Harry could object.

Then his eyes fell on the girl standing next to Harry, "You must be Gemma ! I finally get to meet you, I was so excited after Harry told me how you chopped his hair of when he was sleeping!" Louis said, grinning.

"From where on earth did you find him Harry? I love him already." Gemma said, pulling Louis into a hug.

"Don't hurt my brother alright? I can't cut of your hair too." Gemma whispered in Louis' ears.

"I Will , myself, let you do if I hurt him even a tiny bit. Will let you beat me up too." Louis said, smiling.

Gemma pulled back and grinned at him.

"Harry made cookies for you." Gemma said.

"Now did he?" Louis said, raising his eyebrows at Harry.

"I was bored so I thought—"

"You were up till three am so you could complete your work and bake cookies for Louis today so don't even lie, young Harold." Gemma said, snickering.


Louis just smiled widely, he loved this dork so much.

"Well where are my cookies then?" Louis said, rubbing his hands together.

"Right this way." Harry said, sighing and walking in the direction of the kitchen.

When they were there alone , Louis cornered Harry and kissed him on the mouth.

"I love you so much, you know that right?" Louis whispered, staring into the green orbs he loved so much.

"Yeah I have some idea." Harry said grinning, his dimples on display.

"Now my cookies."
"Gemma it was really lovely meeting you." Louis said, hugging Gemma again.

"You too." Gemma said, pulling back and smiling.

Louis then hugged Anne, "I'll meet you Friday then?" Louis said, pulling back.

"Definitely." Anne said.

"And you, I'll meet you tomorrow young man. Get your rest." Louis said, poking Harry on his chest.

"Yes, mother." Harry said, rolling his eyes.

Louis stood on his tippy toes to place a kiss on Harry's lips and then with that left the Styles' residence.

With Harry walking him to his car, like the gentle he was, that is.

Louis had never felt so content.


"You know what to do,right?"

"Yes, sir. Of course."

"Good, good. Then you must also know that if you mess this up, I'll skin you alive. Right?"

"Y-yes, sir."

"Good. Now go back to work, I should have news by the end of this month."

"Yes, sir."



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