Julie is of national and utmost importance.

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"Harry are you sure about this?" Louis asked nervously, tapping his fingers on his knees looking out of the window of the car.

"Why wouldn't I be sure?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows and taking Louis' hands in his and entwining their fingers.

"Well it's a red carpet event and you go to this stuff alone and if you do go with someone you go with permanent people." Louis said, gripping Harry's hand tightly.

"Well you are permanent to me, unless you have something to tell me?" Harry said, giving Louis a look.

"I—I always think of you as permanent Haz. I'm not sure what I'd do if you weren't around. It's just—it's just been eight months are you sure? You're an owner of this huge ass company and I'm just a secretary—"

"A secretary I refuse to live without. Now shut up." Harry said, placing a kiss on Louis' lips.

"I love you and I always will, get that?" Harry said, placing another kiss on Louis' forehead.

"I love you too, always." Louis said, smiling.

Harry smiled back.

"Looks like we're here." Harry said, looking at the crowd.

"What if I puke?" Louis asked, fidgeting with his suit.

"Well I'll help you through it, that's what people who are in love do right?"

Louis looked at him and wondered how the fuck did he get so lucky.

"Let's do this." Louis said, earning a smile from Harry.

And with that, someone open the door of their sleek black limousine.

Louis stuck close to Harry as the cameras flashed, Harry too having a tight grip around Louis' waist.

It all felt so foreign to Louis. Standing on a red carpet, posing for the camera. But his smile came naturally, how couldn't he smile with Harry standing next to him looking all lovely with his hair open and dimples showing. And if the cameras showed every last bit of the sappy love and fond that was radiating out of Louis, Louis didn't get a fuck.


"How are you feeling?" Harry asked Louis, handing him a glass of wine.

"I'm fine." Louis said, looking at his hands which weren't shaking anymore.

"You were great." Harry said, smiling at him.

"How did you manage to do all that alone?" Louis asked.

"Well it was terrifying. But I survived. Mum and Gemma are great support."

"Yeah. Speaking of them, remind me of the fashion show I have to attend. I have to clear up my schedule." Louis said taking a sip of his wine.

Harry rolled his eyes, "I'm sure Julie wouldn't mind you cancelling your plans of watching telly with her for one day."

"Julie is of national and utmost importance young Harold. Julie is going make history, just wait and watch." Louis said, narrowing his eyes on Harry.

"I'm sure she will Lou." Harry said smiling, making Louis laugh too.

"She's really of national importance though."

"Sure thing, love."


Ofcourse Louis puked when Harry showed him their picture in a magazine from the red carpet event. And yes Harry helped him through it, kissing him after he was done (and after he had brushed his teeth and all that) and cuddling him through the shock. Like he said he would.
Louis frowned looking at the envelope which only had Harry's name written in cursive on it. No stamps, no address, nothing just ,

Harry Styles.

Louis gathered all the letters including that one and walked towards Harry's cabin.

"Haz?" Louis asked, walking in.

"Yeah?" Harry said, looking up from the email he was reading.

"I got your letters but there's this one which I think is really weird." Louis said, giving Harry the one which only had his name on it.

Harry frowned, looking at it.

"Louis you don't have to give me letters you know that right? And even if you do, you don't have to pretend it's not you." Harry said, unsealing the envelope.

"I'd never write you a letter , I'm not exactly the shy type. You should know that by now. Plus I'd email if anything, I'm not that romantic or old fashioned." Louis said, rolling his eyes.

Harry removed the letter and his frown deepened when he read it.

"What is it?" Louis asked seeing Harry's frown and going over to read it.

On it there were only two words written,

Miss me?


I'm having so much fun writhing this you guys have no idea.
And I hope Sherlockians have been triggered.
All the love x

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