Hello (not an update ish)

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Now to my point. The thing is lately, I've been hating the world lol , but what's new.

I hate human beings in general and cats are the ultimate rulers of the world. Don't fight me on this.

Anyway, it's just sometimes I catch myself saying why doesn't that guy like me (the guys are annoying tbh, I'm too good. Lol) or why is life this bad, it's maybe because of myself and blah blah mumbo negative shit and then I have to write a three bags long essay in my mind to explain my worth to myself. So I'm going to write it down here for you guys because I'm pretty sure you guys go through it and need to me reminded too.

🌸 you're awesome. No matter how socially awkward you are. You are awesome. No matter how much you scream even though it's not necessary (like at all) , no matter how high pitched your voice gets when you're excited about something, no matter how much you over react, no matter how much you embarrass yourself. You're awesome. Embarrassing yourself is a part of life but no one really care much while you sit and make a big deal about it. Like they say, the world doesn't really revolve around you. (Because it revolves around me bitch, lol jk,) and yes I am all of the above described things, +++ more extra. But it's totally okay, go see meme's about yourself , literally. It's funny af.

🌸 don't like wait for someone to tell you you're pretty? I don't know how to put it. Like most people think they're not pretty because no body tells them so. Like listen, no. You are Pretty , I'm not trying to butter your ass, but you are. And you need to realise that and tell yourself that on a regular basis okay? Cause you are beautiful. You get extra points for complementing others. Yeah, you might have some flaws and that's okay, everyone has them, like I have deep dark circles under my eyes because my mom took too much tension during her gestation period apparently and I have a half broken front tooth, both of the looks— I fucking rock them. Literally. I'm the most beautiful person alive , inside out. You should think that about yourself too, sorry I get carried away praising myself.

🌸 if you're around negative people, who don't support you or stop you from doing something that you love or make fun of you for doing something you love or anything or something like that LEAVE. You get that? L E A V E. And if they ask why you don't hang around them anymore, tell them your mom Zahra said no. You ain't got time for those people. And being alone is okay. You don't need people to like survive you know? Learn to be happy with yourself. You came to this world alone, without anything and you'll leave just like that. People aren't permanent. Except parents. Always love your parents, they've been there for you through it all. Sometimes yeah, you feel like they haven't done anything and they don't care about you but listen, YOUR MOM HAD YOU IN HER UTERUS FOR 9 MONTHS , SHE CARRIED YOU AROUND, AND YOU BASICALLY TOOK ALL THE NUTRIENTS FROM HER BLOOD TO FEED YOURSELF GOT THAT? Always freaking respect and love your parents. Don't use the sharpness of your tongue on the mother&father who taught you how to speak and protected you from this horrible world when you couldn't do it yourself.

🌸 do what makes you the happiest in the world. I know sometimes it's hard to do that, like, sometimes you just can't. But don't give up. Never give up. I didn't raise you to be a quitter. Keep chasing your dreams, there will be some hurdles, you have to cross them, and most of us are not athletes and yeah we're not good at it, but finish the race you know? Don't stop mid way. And even some athletes stumble and it's okay. You'll fucking survive. You got this.

🌸 take care of yourself. You don't need anyone to do that okay? You can do that yourself. And do it. Treat yourself like the queen/princess/prince/King you are. Don't let anyone get to you. You got me.

I think that's it. Hope it helped 🌸🤗 I'm always there, you can DM me here or Instagram or kik me or tweet me whatever. And if I helped you get somewhere , please let me know by tweeting me or tagging me in a picture or snapping me a picture of your smile or just writing to me, that'll help me feel accomplished and better about myself. I love you , but I hate the world too UGH THIS IS CONFUSING. Blah. 🌸

Instagram- zahrasayed13
Twitter- theyaremysons
Kik- zahrasayed1
Snapchat- zahrasayed145

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