I just might have, Mr.Styles.

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Harry bit his nails nervously. He was never the one to be nervous being the owner of the biggest company out there but Louis Tomlinson made him nervous.

It was their two year anniversary and Harry hoped it wasn't too early for Louis. He'd planned on doing this after the day he'd confessed his love for Louis but he had to hold himself back to not sound like a crazy person.

Soon the door slammed open bringing Harry out of his thoughts and soon he was surrounded by Louis.

Surrounded by Louis as in, Louis' smell, captivated by Louis' eyes and all he could focus on was Louis. He didn't care what was around him except Louis. Everything else was a blur except Louis.

Harry tried to get back to his act. Don't blow this off. He told himself.

"Harry do you know what day it is?" Louis stood in front of him, his hands crossed across his chest and his foot tapping against the floor.

Of course , Harry wanted to say.

But instead he said, "Would you mind reading this file aloud for me?" Harry said, extending the file towards Louis and not looking up because he knew if he did, he would fall into Louis' trap and his plan would all go in vain.

"Harry I don't care about your files! You can't actually forget today, if you think you're going to get away easily you're mistaken Mr.Styles—"

"We could have this talk after you read the file, so please."
Harry cut him off.

"You're so annoying Haz honestly I hate you so much right now, you're not going to be easily forgiven you get that Harold Styles," Louis mumbles snatching the file from Harry and opening it, "let me read what on Earth is more important than me– I Harry Styles claim to share my company, Styles Enterprises, with Louis William Tomlinson....." Louis trails off and looks up to see Harry who was down on his knees with a box in his hand.

"Oh my god you fucker you can't just unleash that on me oh my god—" Louis says, covering his mouth, tears brimming his eyes.

"Louis, the love of my life, I'm pretty bad at giving speeches, pretty monotonous if you may say. But I can try for you. I love you Louis, I love you with everything I have and I can not imagine myself with anyone except you and I shall not. And I was going to do this the day after I confessed my love to you but I would have come off as crazy, anyway, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, have a family with you, so will you Louis Tomlinson give me the honour of calling you my husband? Will you marry me?" Harry finishes, his palms sweaty, and he gulps.

"You're so sappy Harry I hate you so much right now, and of course I'll marry you, I don't tell people I'm future Mr.Styles for no reason you shit." Louis says, tears running down his cheeks, extending his hand forward so that Harry can slip in the platinum ring.

Harry gets up with a smile, and Louis pulls him in for a kiss.

"I almost thought you forgot our anniversary." Louis says, pulling back.

"Well it would have been a shame if we had to waste our day being mad at each other." Harry says smiling, kissing Louis' forehead.

"Harry...you once told me you would never share your company with anyone..are you sure you want to you know.." Louis then motions at the file.

"Louis, that was because I didn't love anyone as much as I love you. Mum and Gemma have a share of this company and now you do because. You people are the ones I would do anything for. You're family Louis." Harry says, giving Louis a gentle smile.

Louis just hugs Harry tightly and Harry holds him, taking in his smell.

"You know if you'd asked me to marry you the day you told me I love you, I still would have gotten married to you, you know? I love you a lot." Louis says, smiling, kissing Harry's dimples.

"Dammit, we would have had three kids by now." Harry says, smiling.

"We still have a lot of time for that, love. Now c'mon I have something planned for us." Louis says, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Tell me you went shopping and got yourself a new lingerie." Harry says, eyes shining.

"I just might have, Mr.Styles."

All Harry could do was grin and follow Louis like a love sick puppy.

Harry loved his life.


Epilogue 1/3.

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