Chapter 24: Pompeii

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I wasn’t exactly sure how much later is was when I felt the bed dip behind me but I figured it was just Ocean. I smiled slightly knowing that I had beaten him until that is I felt him breathe on by bare shoulder. I turned over expecting to find a smirking blue eyed devil when in fact I smacked right into his chest, I lifted my head immediately and found that he was asleep. His black hair was sticking up everywhere and his mouth hanged open just a tad but enough to make him snore lightly. His cheek was lying on his right hand and I was pretty sure he was drooling on it but what seemed so off was the fact he almost looked peaceful and never was the words peaceful and Ocean used in a sentence. After a while of me staring at him I realized his other arm had draped over me and was lying on my hip.   

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, Knowing I was up for the day by the fact my stomach was growling. The nurses had decided not to put the needle back in my arm so I could freely walk around, I threw the blanket off and put my feet on the floor. The hospital was still quiet, most of the patents were still asleep and only a few nurses were around. I had no idea what time is was so I grabbed Ocean’s phone since mine was dead and turned it on.

6:30 am the screen told me.

“God!” I said as I rubbed my eyes again. I was looking down when I saw Ocean’s backpack lying on the floor by the chair he was sitting in earlier.

“There!” my inner voice said. “Open it.”

I grabbed the black bag and unzipped the big pocket. My mouth dropped open as my eyes laid their sights on what was inside. My hands acting completely on their free will reached into the bag and grabbed the things that I had hidden away in our secret place.

“How the hell?” I said just as Dr. Davenport come into the room. He looked from the sleeping Ocean to me.

“Please tell me he didn’t make you sleep in the chair.”

“No I just woke up.”

“Oh, good. I just came to get your order for breakfast.” He said holding a pen in his hands

“Umm do you have fruit loops?”

“Yep.” He said as he wrote down something “Anything to drink?”

“A Mt. Dew!”

“Soda for breakfast...Teenagers! I’ll be back.” He said then turned

“Mr. Davenport!”

“Yes?” He asked and turned back to face me.

“Nevermind.” I said shaking my head

“Are you sure?” He asked and I just shook my head yes.  “Ok I’ll be back in a little bit.” He said and left. I was left there with the things of when I was a child. I pulled out the piece of crinkled paper that was folded, unfolded and examined it.

“You remember that?” A voice asked and I jumped the things falling to the floor. I looked up, Ocean was awake and sitting up staring at me. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“You didn’t.” I lied. I bent over and gathered the things and sat them back in my lap. “How did you get this stuff?”

“It was in our secret place…”

“You said that you didn’t remember anything until Dave gave you the picture, that was yesterday.”

“After I left here yesterday, I went for a ride and ended up on Hunter Hill, I found the old house. Something lead me there. Someone wanted me to find this stuff and I think it was my mom.”

“But Ocean your mom’s…”

“Dead. I know. But when I used to talk to her I always went up there because I thought she could hear me better or whatever.” He said “I know it sounds crazy..”

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