Flashback, New Year's Eve

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I am letting you guys know that this is a flashback to the night of the New Year's Eve Party. The party that Milo read about in Ronnie's journal. 

This can acturally be read anywhere in this story, so if you want to read it after chapter 31 you can. if you want to read it before, you can. Anywhere! 


Unknown POV

I watched her from the corner near the stairs, she was yelling at him and he was yelling back but you couldn’t hear since the music was so loud. Her brother ran off with his girlfriend most likely wasted just like almost every kid here. Her best friends were no were to be seen and soon the boy threw up his hands and even though no words could be heard, I could read his lips. Those three words could make anybody’s heart break if you truly were in love with the person speaking them. She didn’t love him, it was clear that there was someone else, that there had always been someone else. He was a good guy, he treated her well but her heart didn’t belong to him, it belong to that friend that was lost so many years ago. She felt a great emptiness, always had but she didn’t know why. Most people didn’t see it, most people didn’t care to see it but I did, I could see all the sadness, all the pain she has ever felt. I could see this because I am her guardian Angel.

That is my job, I must protect her and when my job is done, I will find my way to the place above the stars. She will be there too. I was to watch and wait and when her soul left her body, I was supposed to take her to the other side.

She closed her eyes and ran her hands over her face. She held them for a moment, breathed in and then drop her hands. The sadness and pain still there but was covered by a much harsher emotion, anger. She hadn’t noticed me yet but she feels me. I know this because every time I am near she looks up to the ceiling, she’ll close her eyes and wish for a prince to come and save her. Even at 17 she still hopes for him, at night when she sleeps she dreams of him, even calling out his name but in the morning when she wakes she won’t remember, she never does. Neither does he.

I am not her prince for if I had been I would have taken her away years ago. Taken her to London, she has always wanted to go. Of course no one knows that.

I watched as she walked over to the bar stool, she lifted her leg so her elbow would rest on it and ran her hand through her long dark hair. Her hair is not natural black, she dyed it a year after her father left, a year after her mother started seeing someone. That man was her real father, her birth father. He was the reason why her father left. He was the force behind the seam that got stretched so thin that everything started to unravel in her life.

I hate the man that abandoned her, he doesn’t even know how much his daughter even if not blood needs him. He doesn’t know that his son gave up being a teenager to care for her, he doesn’t know that at 18 years old he still cries on that little girl’s birthday because he couldn’t stop his father from leaving. She doesn’t know that he goes out at night and gets drunk to numb the pain of knowing that his sister never really got a childhood, that in one night she didn’t just lose a father, she lost a brother as well. She doesn’t know that her brother promised himself that he would never let a man hurt her, she doesn’t know her brother at all, he doesn’t know his sister at all, no one knows them at all.

My job is to protect her, my birth right was to become her Angel. My job was not to keep her from killing herself that night but I knew something she did not. I knew her prince was about to entire into her life, he was going to make her fall for him, and she was going to make him fall for her. My job wasn’t supposed to fall in love with her, my job wasn’t what I did that night. People believe that angels can’t feel love that they can only see it, make it happen, but we do. We feel it just like any human being. We can cry, we can feel pain, we can even feel angry.

The girl began to make her way to the dance floor, red cup in hand. The music was still loud enough to shake the house. She was just at the edge when I knew the alcohol started messing with mind, she started swaying her head from side to side with her eyes closed. She wanted to cry but crying showed that you were weak and that was something she didn’t want people to believe. The note lying under her computer at home said something completely different. She was tried, she was sick, she was lonely, she was alone and all she wanted was someone to prove her wrong, she wanted something to live for. I knew how she would do it, I knew every little detail and I couldn’t go through with it. I couldn’t let her kill herself because I loved her too much and I was too selfish.

I sent up a prayer hoping that whoever was in charge would hear it and understand. I was giving up more than just my salvation, I was giving up the only chance to see my mother again….. but I guess that’s what love does to you. You’re willing to give up your happiness for someone else’s even if that person is never going to be with you. What I did that night is what got me fired, it didn’t matter because I would save her. I rather have my power stripped from my body then have a sad broken lonely girl believe that no one loved her.

The only difference between Angels and humans was that we could get drunk very easily. I grabbed one red plastic cup from the bar, swallowed it all and grabbed another. That’s all it took, two cups and I was drunk. I pulled myself towards the sad dark haired girl. It was weird how a slow song come on, or maybe it was just me who was hearing it but either way the moment I pulled her to me, the moment I wrapped my arms around her my fate was sealed. I wasn’t sure how long I held onto her for but soon I felt wetness on my shirt. I whispered in her ear let’s find somewhere quiet and she just shook her head ok. I grabbed her hand and pulled her off the floor. I hoped that at least some of powers worked that way none of these people would see us even though most were wasted. I pulled her up the stairs, she only tripped once and pulled her into one of the rooms. It was empty and I sent up a prayer that this would go right and that she wouldn’t think I was a freak. Her head was down staring at the floor but I could see the tear that fell from her face. I told her look at me but she wouldn’t lift her head, so I placed two of my fingers under her chin and lifted her face so I could see it. Her eyeliner was smeared and I had no doubt that there was some on my shirt. I moved my thumbs across her cheeks removing as much eyeliner and tears as possible. I asked her why she was crying hoping she would tell me even though I already knew. She told me that she wasn’t worth it anymore. She said it quietly but I still heard her. I moved my hands so that they were cupping her face. I said then that she was absolutely worth it and pulled her face towards mine while I moved mine towards hers.

No one should feel like that. No one should feel like they don’t matter. Life is hard enough when no one understands you, it’s ten times harder when people make you feel like you’re not even worth living. That you can’t offer the world anything, that all you are, is a freak.

I prayed that this would worked because this women that was in front of me right now, this women who I was kissing was going to be a mother someday, she was going to be a wife and she was going to be happy. I prayed that she was seeing what I was seeing, I hoped that she sees her and her prince and their daughter all happy and smiling, I hoped she sees the way her prince looked at her, and I hoped she sees the smile that is spread across her face and the way that her eyes light up as well. I hoped she see the smile on her daughters face every time she looks up to her. I hope she sees the love.

I love this girl so much and I wanted her to know that. I felt one last single tear fall down her face and that’s when I knew that she saw what I was showing her. That’s when I knew she knew that I love her. Sleeping with her was not part of the plan, it just happened. When we both woke up in the morning she didn’t remember anything and I didn’t remember anything after showing her, her future. After she realized what happened she ran out, I didn’t even get a chance to talk to her that morning, I didn’t get to talk to her until she came and found me a couple days later. She told me if I said anything she would castrate me. That girl had some serious anger issues but she used it to get her way. She didn’t want anyone to know, she didn’t want her best friends to know. I know she thought they would hate her. I know she thought that her brother would hate her. I think she just hated herself more than anything.  

No one knew it was me. Ronnie and I kept it a secret but it became uncomfortable for her, so I left. What I didn’t know, was what happened only a few weeks later. I didn’t know that the universe had other plans for me, other plans for Ronnie, other plans for everyone involved. I didn’t know that it was a game to the universe, a game that they knew I would give up everything to save one. 

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