Chapter 35: Ascendance

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        This last week has been utterly exhausting! I got forced into babysitting my 2 year old cousin and let me tell you something...I never want kids like ever. My summer has pretty much sucked, I ended up with a soft tissue injury in my foot which landed me on crutches for two weeks. Then I ended up falling off the stairs to my pool and got a really nasty bruise on the back of my leg which still hasn't gone away and also messed up my finger.

         I did give in and bought WarpedTour tickets again which turned out to be pretty fun. I got to see a few bands and also got an autograph and a picture with Jordan Witzigreuter from The Ready Set. I got to see him, Crown The Empire, The Summer set, We The Kings and a few others perform. Everyone just had a lot of energy which was nuts considering it was hot and sunny. I lost my voice from singing and screaming all day, the best part of the day was that no one fell on me from crowd surfing like last year and well maybe getting to see some pretty HOT guys and some sick moves from Brian Dales from The Summer Set. lol

Before we get off and read I would like to say how grateful I am that you guys have stuck around, How you guys read my stuff and hopefully like it. I do have to say that U.T.W.M is coming to the end...sad I know but sad in a good way. I've been writting this story for a while now and its time for me to begin on another project. Something that i've had stuck in my head for a while so without further ado 

Chapter 35...enjoy 


Ronnie's POV  

"I can't believe you guys get tomorrow off it's so not fair." Selena was saying as we stood in the food line for lunch. When we got back on Saturday Sage and Jake came over and told us that the school board decided to keep school open but to keep the kids out of the particular wing that got destroyed. Everyone's classes where going to be in different rooms this week which totally messed me up multiply times. I had 2 of my classes this morning in the science wing and my chemistry class in the math wing and yesterday English was in math, chemistry was in history and history was in chem.  

"Technically you are a Founder so you could just not show up tomorrow." I told her placing a spoon full of corn on my plate.  

When I woke this morning my phone told me the weather was going to be warm and sunny so I wanted to pick something appropriate. I had decided on an old pair of black skinny jeans, the black pair of high heeled boots, my white Breathe Carolina tank top I brought a few years back and my black jacket. I wasn't sure if it actually was the outfit or if it was the fact that tomorrow was the Founder's Ball but I had been landed with more looks then the student population.  

"Yeah but the school doesn't know that." She said doing the same  

"So skip a day, it's not like you're ditching to go drink beer or play tongue hockey."  

"Tongue hockey, what are we in middle school?" She asked grabbing the peaches in a container. I heard laughter and looked over to our table to see Trace trying to flip food with a spoon into Sage's mouth  

"We might as well be!" I said pointing to the boys.  

"Idiots" She responded and rolled her eyes which made me laugh. I grabbed a thing of fries and moved along the line with her behind me.  

"Look if it makes you feel better I'll take the fall if you get caught." I said "Please come! Hanging with the guys all day is going to get old very fast."  

"What do I tell my parents?" She questioned as I grabbed a packet of Ranch.  

"You haven't told them yet have you?"  

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