Chapter 8: Love Isn't Always Fair

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So its been a month since we last caught up with Ronnie, Milo, Ocean, and everyone. Secrets will be told in the next few chapters, a long awaited visitor comes, and we might just get see a relationship start.


Once again I was running somewhere I didn't know, it was dark and I could hear thunder in the distance. My long hair kept flying in front of my eyes and it stuck to my face because it was soaking wet. The ground was also wet and my feet were sliding through the mud. I turn my head just enough to see if the creature was still behind me, I tripped over something hard and I fell to the ground face first. My eyes were closed but I could still feel as if something or someone was behind; chasing me.  

"Stupid why'd you looked back, you knew you were going to fall" I heard it say but I still kept my eyes closed. It called me name and I thought that it was shaking me.  

"Ronnie? Ronnie!" I heard my name being called. I didn't turn around, I heard the thunder and then the rain began to fall. The wet drops fell onto my checks, the liquid was cold and I shivered inside my clothes. The ground became even muddier and the tress dropped every inch of rain onto me, making me even wetter. I wanted to scream but when I opened my mouth nothing came out. I was completely drenched in the cold rain, my entire body began to shiver but I still felt the presence right above me. Whatever it was, it turned me around making my back slash into the cold wet ground.  

"Ronnie open your eyes, you know you want to." It said right next to my ear. I could feel it smile next to my left side of my face. Goosebumps ran their way up my arm as I felt the creature touch my left side where my tattoo laid. 

It laughed from deep within itself "Oh Ronnie you're not as innocent as they lead me to believe. You know I could kill you right here" It laid his giant hand on my stomach, making me feel as though it would squash me like a bug. 

"Let me see those pretty eyes you have Ronnie." It said. I turned my head to the side and held my eyes tightly shut.  

"Look at me Ronnie!"  

I knew how this would play out. My impulses were telling me to open my eyes, but my logical side of my brain was telling to keep them shut. 

In the end my impulse proved stronger; I opened them, seeing eyes that were bright blue that matched the sky back home. All I could do was stair into these beasts' eyes, my breathing was heavy and his paw was still lying on my stomach.  

"You're going to k..kk...kill me?" I said  

"Now why would I do that?" he asked looking at me with intent in his eyes. I could literally hear my own heart beating inside my chest and I felt my whole body shaking beneath my jacket. The blue eyed beast smiled down to me baring his white teeth in the process. My fear rose and I forcefully closed my eyes wishing to be awake safe within the blackness of my room.  

"Your dreams are manifestation of your fears" I heard but this didn't come from the inside of my mind. 

"Yeah, well then what the hell are my fears that make me keep having this nightmare?" I asked as I began to open my eyes but I felt the sense that everything around me was changing, morphing into one blurry image.  

"Why aren't I waking up?" the thought rang across my mind "I always wake up here....why is it not im not waking up?"  

"Is it me or am I not on the ground anymore." I thought waiting again for an answer. I wasn't really scared but my heartbeat was racing beneath my black jacket and my head was spinning. The images bled together behind my closed eyelids and then I hit back down releasing all the air in my lungs. My eyes shot open to the same gray sky as before, it wasn't raining anymore and my clothes were dry like the ground under my body. I had seen that the monster wasn't there when I pushed myself into a sitting position.  

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