Chapter 21 When Will You Ever Face Your Fears

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 Jade's Dream:

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 Jade's Dream:

I opened my eyes and I was sitting on a park bench. I look around and no one was one at all. It was dark out and the park lights were on. I felt uneasy, everything was dead silence. I felt like something was watching me in the dark and I begin to get nervous. I then search my pockets for my phone. phone was nowhere.

 A sudden rush of panic went through my body. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe to try to calm down. When I was finally calm I open my eyes and I get up and start to look around.

 All of a sudden I seen a person step out of the dark and under a park light. I couldn't believe my was Sammy and she had a smirk on her face like always. She took a step towards me and I took a step back. 

What's the matter Jade....scared? She said laughing evilly.

I didn't say anything, I just looked at here in fear.

Looking for this? She said waving my phone up in the air with a smirk on her face.

My eyes got wide

You know what i'm going to text him saying you don't want him anymore and that you never want to see his face again! She yelled.

No! I choked out.

She started to text him on my phone and I bolted after her but when I was going to tackle her she disappeared  all of a sudden. I was out of breathe now breathing really heavy. I frantically looked around but she was know where to be seen. All of a sudden my phone slide on the ground right in front of my feet.

I picked it up and I couldn't believe my eyes....she sent the text to him and he texted back saying fine I never loved you! I really only liked Sammy. I felt my heart split into two....and all of my air was knocked out of me. I couldn't breathe and my legs felt like noodles. Tears started to stream down my face and I felt a lump in my throat. 

All of a sudden I heard her laughing come from the dark.

I bawl my hands into a fist and I start to grid my teeth together. I then run in the direction of the laughter. I couldn't see anything now, it was completely dark. Their was know park lights now, their was only the stars and the full moon above me in the sky.

I didn't care though I just kept running and running with tears streaming down my face. I then tripped over something  and I fell face first into the ground. I then heard foot steps coming towards me. I look up and everything was still pitch black. I couldn't see anything that was in front of me. I begin to tremble in fear and breathe real heavy. 

I curled up in a ball and wished for this nightmare to be over. The footsteps finally stopped and I held my breathe waiting for something to happen.

Stupid little girl, when will you face your fears! Someone yelled in my ear.

Then everything faded away...

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