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April 17,1990

Holy shit,I have a massive headache. What the hell happen?

I began stirring around in bed. My eyes open and looked around the room.

"Hey..." I heard Prince over to the side.

Now he wants to be nice.

"I don't want to talk to you. You left me in the middle of nowhere for four hours and it was raining,Prince! *Cough Cough*."

Great! Now I'm sick.

"Perrie,I'm sorry. It was a lot  to process and I apologize that I did that. I just did want to face the fact that I know it's true. I need to tell you something." He climbed into the bed with the paper I had stuffed behind my pillow.

"I met you before. In a past or futuristic life. I've been having this dreams of you for months but I never thought it was true." Prince played with his fingers not looking at me.

"And I read these and this. Your reason of doing this for me. All I can say is thank you." He gave me the papers and my journal.

"You're welcome. So you wanna go over this?" I asked. He nodded and got a cup of tea from the nightstand.

"Here you might need this. So,I learned that you are actually a singer apart of a group." I sipped on my warm drink as he talked.

"Yeah I was. It was sick being in it. I love singing." I smiled a bit.

"I have to hear you one day." He said going back looking down.

"Prince.." I says as he glanced up with those big eyes.

"Listen,I can't tell you everything but I can say that you are going to be a legend

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"Listen,I can't tell you everything but I can say that you are going to be a legend."

"Then tell me what you can."


"I what?!"

"You ended up marrying Mayte but getting a divorce and married someone else. That all I'll tell you now. You found everything except..." I trails off into another topic.

"How did I die?" He asked in a small voice.

"It was developing when I first found out but it says that it was a prescription in a elevator with you,where you was found. You've been on painkillers since your hip surgery in 2010. And you was 57."

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