467 29 15

February 12,1992

"Fine then! I'll just leave out." I told Prince as he literally kicked me out his studio. He started walking towards me looking sympathetic.

"Baby I'm sorry. I just need to be alone to think-"

"I get it. It's whatever,I'll be back later." I rolled my eyes and left out. He grabbed my arm stopping me.

"I love you." He says pulling me into his chest and gave me a kiss. I gave him one back and nodded.

"I love you too. Bye." I smirk and walked down the hallway. I was passing our room when I heard the phone ringing.

I went inside and picked up the landline. "Hello?"

"Perrie honey! How are you?" I heard a guy say.

"I'm good Jerome. Was just leaving out." I said.

"Great,come by Morris's place. We haven't seen you in a while."

I agree on going and hanged up with him. I look at my outfit and I guess it's okay. My black coat was all I needed.

Then I was out in the car heading to Morris's house,which is kinda far but I'll be alright

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Then I was out in the car heading to Morris's house,which is kinda far but I'll be alright.


Once I arrived there, I knock on the door. Of course Jerome answer the door. I gave him a hug then he led me to the living room where Morris was rolling up a joint. I sat my purse down on the couch and gave him a side hug.

"Hey sugar, I thought skip was coming with ya." He says then gives me a kiss on the cheek.

I sat on the couch and took off my coat. "He's busy writing. I was kicked out of the studio."

"He always working." Jerome commented and I agreed.

"Yeah he is. He works so much I'm getting stressed out." I let my head back in frustration. Morris was finish rolling up and looks over at me.

"Skip can be a pain in the ass. Here you need this,I'll do another one." He passed me a the white stick. I grabbed it and the lighter on the table.

Should I be doing this when Prince told me never to do it again?

Fuck it! You only live once guys!

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