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November 16,1990

Since the night of the premiere of Graffiti Bridge, me and Prince been join at hip. He's out here in L.A. with me. Prince been here for about a week but leaving today. He still haven't asked me to be his girl. I'm nervous because what if it was all talk and no show. I'm a be real fucking pissed off.

"Let me take my mind off of it." I said to myself as I got out the empty bed. Prince is downstairs making his famous omelettes, that's what he says they are but I'll see.

I left my room to go to the outer space that looks out into my living room from upstairs. It was a piano that stay there. I sat there thinking about my girls. Jade,Jesy and Leigh Anne, oh I miss my best friends and sisters. The songs we sang the jokes we had is just memories.

My fingers tap across the keys. Prince could here me because I'm right below the kitchen and it's all open space. My mind was thinking about my favorite song that our group made. 'Secret Love Song' is my favorite off the third album we as Little Mix made. It's very relevant now since it's speaking on me and Prince "relationship". Which I'm now confused about.

Does he love me?

That's my question. Or was that love just to get more of me? Make me feel loved and vulnerable.

Oh lord, tell me.



"Why can't I hold you in the street? Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor? I wish that it could be like that..." I hear Perrie sings upstairs. I just finished making our breakfast and was going to get her.

I walked up the stairs slowly and saw her when I reached the top. All I see is the back of her and fingers on the piano.

"Why can't it be like that? 'Cause I'm yours. Why can't I say that I'm in love? I wanna shout it from the rooftops. I wish that it could be like that.Why can't it be like that? 'Cause I'm yours.." Her angelic voice fill the whole apartment. I leaned on the balcony as she hit that high note.

You know she's talking about you man!

No, I mean maybe. I love her to pieces I'm just nervous to ask her.

Just fucking say it dumbass!

I argue with myself in my head as she sings the last cords of the beautiful song I never heard before.

"Why can't we be like that?Wish we could be like that.."

"That was amazing baby." I said making her jump in her seat but not turning around.


"Thanks love. I'll be down in a second." She says but it's not like her. It sounds like she's........crying?

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