469 30 11

March 9,1992

"I can't believe you actually did this! You remember that conversation from two years ago."

"Well I do listen to you. I remember you talking about how you and your family would go to the countryside of Manchester. So I got a cabin just for us." Prince looks around the huge spacious cabin we are staying for a week.

I'm seriously surprised by Prince doing this for me. He's not really a wilderness person so we will see how this works.

"Thank you for this. This place is huge for two people." I took off my scarf and walked around.

"I can't believe you actually rented this place

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"I can't believe you actually rented this place."

"Well that's another thing. I didn't,I brought it. It's yours." He grabbed my hand and we went towards the back way.

"You didn't have to do this,Love. I appreciate it so much." I say as he looked behind him then flashing a smile.

"No problem baby but I think you are going to freak the fuck out. Close your eyes." I did as I was told by him. His hands over my eyes to make sure I wasn't looking. The door open and I felt the wind blow at us.

"Watch you step Pezza. I don't need my girl breaking anything." He chuckled in my ear. I smacked my lips.

"Don't make me fall then." I snapped back playfully.

  We stopped walking and I could hear something moving around. Prince took his hands away but my eyes was still closed shut.

"Open them." He says. I did and I couldn't believe my eyes.

"You fucking didn't!" I yelled.

In front of me was an Horse. I might haven't mention it but I have a soft spot for horses and horseback riding. It's my childhood hobbies since I was seven. I remember telling Prince this when we kinda just met and started to get to know each other.

"Yes I did. Come on get on." Prince pushed me slightly towards the animal. I didn't hesitate to get on either.

"It's a she and she's yours

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"It's a she and she's yours." Prince walked closer as I pet her gently.

"Prince,you seriously don't have to do this. Your too good to me." I told him honestly. He cocked his head to the side with a smirk but his cheeks was tinted red.

"I wanted too. Because I love you."

This man got something else up his sleeve....


Horseback riding,traveling all around the city,seeing new things. That's all me and Prince been doing together. It's now mid day,and we are back home.

Prince has been quiet since we got back. I think he's planning something but he's not saying a word.

I took off my jacket and boots. He followed behind me as I sat on the couch. My eyes connected to his while I try to think about what he's thinking about. It could be a song for all I know.

"Why your so quiet? Did I do something?" I asked him. Prince just smiles at me then putting his arm around my shoulder.

"Your fine Perrie. It's just I want to propose something to you but....nahhh."He second thinks it. I gazed at him with a frown.

"Tell me." I pleaded.

"I want to make a video with you." Prince said quickly. I shrugged at the idea.

"For what song? I've been in many of your videos. Why are you so nervous?"

Prince scratched the side of his head while chuckling away. I was now very confused of what's  happening.

"That's what you meant right?" I questioned him

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"That's what you meant right?" I questioned him. He looks at me with a smirk while shaking his head.

"Your making this difficult,baby

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"Your making this difficult,baby. All I want is you and me in this vi-..well it's more of a movie." He explains. Me being me it took a while for me to understand but he continued.

"Just us two together upstairs. Making love for countless hours." He says as he put on leg over me then sitting on my lap. "Have you in positions all over this house. Making you scream my name so the world can hear you. You telling me what to do to make you feel good." Prince kiss on my neck softly as the thought ran through my head.

Should I do this?

A Sex tape with Prince...something that at least some girls want.

I looked him in the eye before kissing him passionately. "Are you down mama?"

"Like always." I answered.


Heyyyyy💘 hope y'all like this chapter and the next one cause it's about to got down😍

It's about to be a naughty little sex tape so prepare😍🎁📽📼

I don't know when the next time I'll update cause of school so sorry😞


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