722 31 10

May 25,1990
💕Perrie 💕

"Come Perrie. You sang in front of people all the time. All it is me and the band. One song and I can decide." Prince spoke to me in the elevator. I sighed and nodded. When we all got to together in the practice area, I got on the stage. Everyone except Prince was confused. He was hugged up with Sheila as she was smiling at me.

I smiled back nervously. It's been a while since I've been on stage. Prince decided on have two girls as backup dancers. Me and Cat,but you also have to sing. Even though it's a week before tour starts.

"Alright everybody. Perrie is  trying out for the position beside Cat. Perrie,when ever your ready." He gave me a thumbs up. It was still mumbling going so I went over it.

(Watch this🙌🏾She have a amazing voice💜This is actually Perrie btw😍)

It's one of my favorite songs by Beyonce. I also know the lyrics very well. This song always change me into a different person while singing it.

When I finished the song it was quite all around. My nerves go the best of me. I got of the stage and left the area. I heard people calling my name but I just kept walking.

Was they in shock? Did they hate my song choice?

Why am I like this?

"I'm fine! I did it and it's over!" I yelled down hallway as the stopped calling me.

I walk out back of Paisley Park and lean against the building.

I could use a drink..

"What was that about? I get you was nervous but..." Prince says walking in front of me.


"Because I need time to prepare myself. You just told me this morning. I haven't did this in so long." I frustratingly ran my fingers through my hair.

"You got it Perrie. Your singing is amazing along with dancing. And they think so too,Baby." He walks closer to me putting my arms down from my hair.

I snatch my arms away from him and point my finger in his face. My face was probably red in anger.

"Don't call me baby!" He took my finger grabbing it and pulled down then holding down my arms.

"Don't point your finger in my face." Prince splat in my face. We just stare at each other for a while. I never noticed how much his eyes are burning with beauty.

Prince all of a sudden smash his lips onto mines. He let go of my arms and wrapped one of his around my waist gripping my butt. 

I'm in shock right now! He was just with Sheila in there and have Mayte thinking they could be something. And now me! Hell no! But I started kissing him back. I couldn't resist them plump big perfect pink lips. His tongue slipped into my mouth,giving it explore all over.

This feels so good...

Prince pushed me more against the wall as we are still locked into the kiss. I didn't know what to do with my hands.

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