477 25 5

March 7,1992
💕Perrie 💕

"This is the final outcome." The editor said. My album cover is now finished. Prince set it up a photoshoot a few weeks ago and here it is. I've been waiting for weeks to see it.

  Since everything that happened between us,we've been together and stuck like glue

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Since everything that happened between us,we've been together and stuck like glue. Wherever I got he go,and same for me. It's like a tragedy actually made us come together more. Prince been helping me on my music career with this one album. That's all I want and that's all I told Prince I'll do. I never wanted a music career in this time but I'm doing this for him.

We are here in Los Angles because I have to sign a few things to release this album. After months of thinking, the album will be called 'Our Symbol'. It's not a song called that but it's our symbol of love and power. As you see it was Prince idea to have the new symbol he will use very soon.

"It's perfect. Don't you like it babe?" I asked who stood beside me.

"I love it. It looks absolutely gorgeous." He says while looking at it closely. We thanked the editor. It was a guy that Prince worked with many times.

After we went through the album cover,we left back to the hotel. While I'm working on my album,Prince is working with NPG for the 'Love Symbol' album.

"It's to the studio after my interview?" I asked him. He nodded as he held my hand tightly.

"Then can we chill for a bit? We've been running around all day." I groaned.

"We are going back to the hotel for two hours then leaving out again." Prince said to me. I crossed my legs and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Thank you god. I need to relax for awhile."  I spoke as I close my eyes. Prince pressed his lips against my forehead. Then I felt something wet run across my head. I jumped up and saw him laughing.

"You bloody asshole!" I wiped away the saliva of him. This man lick my forehead.

"You bloody asshole." Prince mocked me. "I love your accent. You act like I never never licked you before." He laughs while moving his eyebrows.

I looked at him with a blank face. I was going to say something but I just looked as he laughs.

I swear on my life that Prince is the most freaky person you will never meet

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I swear on my life that Prince is the most freaky person you will never meet. Everyone chance he gets it turns into a dirty joke or saying.

"You never licked my forehead and don't do it again." I said while folding my arms smirking at him.

"Yeah but I lick this." He pointed down to 'Her'. I blushed as I shook my head. Prince moved up my tight red skirt but I pushed his hand away.

"Hotel." That's all I said and he completely understood.


"Right...right there." I moaned as Prince thrusts into me roughly. My nails was digging in his back deeply.

Prince push more as I dig. I know I'm hurt his back but I couldn't control myself. My screams was getting louder and louder.

"Come on baby girl. You screaming my in music to my ears."

I felt like I was on cloud nine right now. He makes me feel so good that it's bad. All I ever need is him. This ain't sex. It's love. And it's been made passionately between us.

We continue making love at 4 in the afternoon. People are probably getting tired of us but we couldn't get enough of each other.

By the time it was almost 5, we was laying on the bed out of breath. Prince had his arms wrapped around me and I was snuggle into his chest.

"Do I have to do the interview?" I whined.

"Yes Pez. All it is, you explained your coming out with an album and perform 'Something Sweet'. Then I have to hit the studio and you can do whatever you like."

"I thought I was going too?" I looked up at him.

"I need some alone time with this session. You don't mind right?" He asked. I shook my head 'no'.

I'm lying..

Every time he says that it always make me feel like I'm bothering him to go with him. Prince always is in the studio and barely take breaks or vacations. Sometimes it worries me how much he push himself to work so much.

"Well let us take a bath or something. We have to leave out soon." Prince says then getting up going to the bathroom.

We can't even sit and enjoy each other's company.

"We have to leave out soon. I need alone time." I mocked him as I got up wrapped a blanket around me. Prince popped his head in.

"You said something baby?"

I glanced at him with the most fake smile I ever did. He won't even notice it's fake.

"Nope nothing." I told him.

Nothing but I might just head out also when he leaves.


Heyyyy guysss😇 Hope you like this chapter even though it was boring as fuck😒


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