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March 8,1992
💕Perrie 💕

"Wake up now,Perrie!" I heard a voice boom throughout the hotel room. After the night I had,my hangover wasn't that bad but his yelling still doesn't help.

"Why?" I croaked as I sat up slowly from the couch. I must have crash here last night.

"Look at this." Prince place the newspaper on the table. I rubbed my eyes then saw a picture of me with Krista and my hand latching onto Louis. The headline read: 'PERRIE'S FUN NIGHT OUT WITH FRIENDS AND ANOTHER LOVER?'

I dryly laughed at the last part. "Okay I was out with Krista and a friend of hers. I was holding onto him because I didn't want to fall." I explained to Prince who had his arms folded.

"I told you not to drink heavy and you did." He says sternly.

He's back to being demanding again....

"Listen here,I'm a grown ass woman M'kay? I can do whatever I want." I said while pulling down my pink dress from last night. Prince was looking at me with anger and lust.

"Come here now." I demanded. He walked over to me and bent down to my level.

"What." Prince snapped at me.

"I went out and had fun. Yeah I met Louis and he obviously knew we are together. He tried something on me but I wasn't having it." I explained to him with no care in the world.

"Your telling me this why? So I can get jealous??" His amber eyes turned red quickly.

"Nope,just being honest with you. But it seems like you are." I said then getting up going to the mini kitchen area to make some coffee.

"Okay I'm sorry for not including you in the studio session. This is what's it's all about!" He got frustrated. I groaned and look back at him.

"It's not that! It's the fact she was there and so was the band I'm so called apart of. You didn't want me there for some reason." I shouted at him. Prince was taken back by my tone. "One day your all over me then the next I'm pushed away."

He had nothing to say by these words. "I'm sorry."

My eyes met his and I still wasn't convinced. All I did was nod my head then continued doing what I was doing.

"I lied. About going to the studio." Prince began talking. "I was out to do something for you. After all what happened I still wanted to so you how much I appreciate and love you. Saying going to the studio with everyone was the through your mind off it."

Well I feel stupid....

I turned slowly to him as Prince walks over to me. My eyes fell to the floor in embarrassment. But of course he lifted my chin up sending me in the direction of his eyes.

"I feel stupid now.." I laughed in off.

"Don't feel nothing. Let's just live now. You didn't know but now you do so come on." He grabbed both of my hands and gave me a quick kiss. "We have to packed."

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