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June 30,1992
💕Perrie 💕

Sleepless nights of thinking. Right now Prince is holding me tight as I'm wide awake thinking about our future. I must have misunderstood everything. Why can I stay? Why can I be in love with the love of my life and help raise our child? The question swirled all around my head while my heart was pumping fast.

I looked over my shoulder see my fiancé snoring peacefully with his arms wrapped tightly around me. I move his arms carefully without waking him up and eased out the bed putting my rope on. We are on a small break from tour so I'm glad we are back home for a bit. I left our room heading down the his office.

"We need to talk Perrie..." I heard the voice behind me as I twisted the handle of Prince's personal office.

"We definitely do God. I need to stay....I thought I could have. That's what you said." I tried my hardest not to raise my voice. Once we was in the room I sat down staring at him.

"Perrie...I'm sorry but you can't stay. With all the knowledge you told Prince already he will make it. It's not safe having you around after the fact of you giving birth. Being an angel and human isn't great for your body. I do promise to'll see Prince again. Just work with this Perrie. Everything isn't always what it's plan for." This God from above says to me. I couldn't believe this. I'm really am losing Prince. I did everything I possibly can to help him and now I'm just disappearing.

"I can't tell him. I just can't. It's going to break his heart." Tears were falling down my face. I felt a cold brush of air come around me. God himself was hugging me tightly.

"You don't have to. Just continue having this amazing adventure with Prince. Everything will work out in the end. I promise my child." He spoke as I continued sobbing. I wiped my eyes then look at him.

"Can I tell him about Michael?" I asked.

He immediately shook his head. "No because that's not his place. If you tell him it will effect Michael and Prince history. I have someone working on Mr.Jackson. Tell Prince mind his own business."

I couldn't help but laugh. Before I got to ask another question he was gone. I stood up going over to the book self and pulled out one of Prince's information books. He writes down everything that's important to him in these books. I sat back at the desk grabbing a pen and a stick note. Before writing I took a deep breath.

Prince, I know you're hurting right now because I'm gone but I'm forever with you. I won't forget about you Love. And don't forget about me. Take care of our gorgeous child.... Much Love Perrie.

"Okay Pez. Let's do this." I began writing everything that Prince need to know before I go. I don't have much time just a few more months.



"Come here baby." I pulled Perrie onto my lap as we sat in my studio. "You seem very quiet today."

Perrie fidget around with his fingers not looking at me once. "Just woke up too early. Listen I wanna sing something for you. I've been working on it for a long while now."

I rubbed her thigh nodding and smiling. "Go ahead babygirl."

She closed her eyes and grabbed my hand tightly. "Hear me baby.I'm about to rain, And I'm so tired I can't get out of my own way. I'm at the height of my anxiety, I know you love me but I'm just searching for security.."

Her voice was so soft and tender as she sang to me. I listened to her in silence taking it all in.

"Memories come around. And run their fingers through my hair, I can picture the future I see it so clear,
Don't you say another word if it's not what I want to hear... If it feels like a dream then it is one. Keep on, keep on, keeping on.Loving you is second nature to me now,
I can't stop."

She stops then looks back at me. I smirk at her as she just wrapped her arms around me. "I love you so much Prince. Always remember that."

"Baby forever and always. I love you from the moon and back Mama." I grabbed her face seeing the tears in her eyes. She smiles at my words and kisses me. Her full body turned in my direction as I was now gripping her waist.

We continued being in the deep passionate kiss in the quiet studio. The only sound you'll here is us breathing closely together. Perrie pulled away taking off her sweater that is actually mines. I fumbled with my belt while growling at Perrie's body.

"I need you now!" She groans impatiently rips open my shirt. My eyes went wide at her actions. I picked her up and we walked over to the piano. I placed her on top as I took off my pants. She grins at me when she takes off her bottom along with her underwear.

"Come here girl." I hop on top of her kissing her neck. She rubbed her hands all over my body.

"I never did it on a piano before." She whispered. I softly touch her face distracting her from my way easing in.

"I'm finna take my baby to the moon."


Heyyyyy😁 Hope you like this chapter and hopefully it cleared up a few questions❤️. Thank you for sticking with me😘

I am currently listening to 'Come'👀😫.... Lawddddd😭❤️

Two more chapters left😭 will be going by fast😬

I figured if I finished this faster it will ease the pain😭...


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