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December 4,1990

"Are you nervous?" Prince asked into the phone.

"Yeah. This my first interview in this century. I'm scared he's going to asks about us." I twirling the phone cord.

I'm in New York for an interview on the David Letterman show. I'm nervous but I think I'll be just fine.

"Tell him if he asks. I want the world to know I'm with the most beautiful woman I know best." He says honestly making me calm down.

"Well thank you love and I will. What you doing?"

"In studio until your interview comes on. Gotta see my baby since she's so far away." Prince whines as I rolled my eyes. I'm coming to Minneapolis tonight on a plane but he doesn't know.

"I'm sorry honey. But hey, I'll tell you this. We will see each soon, I have to go and get dressed." Prince whine again as I talked. I swear he acts like a child sometimes.

"Okay. Love you lil mama." He said.

"Love you too skipper." I hang up the phone. I want to dress nice yet simple, and it's cold but I don't care.

I dressed myself in a simple outfit with a black scarf that Prince got me a few weeks ago.


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"Miss.Edwards,the car is here." My bodyguard,Tom said my door. Prince hired him for me,I still don't know why but I just went along with it.

"I'm coming." I said while taking my last look in the mirror before leaving out.

Let's see how this goes...



"Y'all gon eat me outta house man!" I said to Jerome who was digging all in my refrigerator for food.

"Come on tricky, my beauty is coming on now." Morris says before grabbing a bag of chips.

His beauty?

I looked over at him with the most unamused look on my face. He gon learn.

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