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June 22,1992

It's been a month on tour. I love being on tour with Prince and the band. Everyday is a new experience with them. Only Prince and I know about the baby for now. That's how it's going to be for a while until we are ready to tell everybody.

If your wondering and I know you are. Yes me and Prince is engaged. I jumped at the chance to say yes in his hand in marriage. But I'm nervous about this. A week after we got engaged I got a visit from God before a show. We had a long sit down about my existence on this earth at this time. Since I'm not a full grown angel it's already a possibility about to baby having problems but now it's just me. If we would have waited until I was fully charged Angel which takes five years at least. I've only been here for three.
Telling Prince this situation would break his heart. It's breaking my heart that I just can't...

"Perrieeeeeeeee!!!!" Prince came in the bedroom and jumped on the bed. I was pulled out my thoughts and instantly smiled.

"Yes Prince baby." I say as I leaned over to kiss his lips. He then rested his head on my chest and wrapping his arms around me. "What are you doing up at ten in the morning?"

"I couldn't sleep so I've been up writing and watching this strange English show. I was thinking maybe we can talk about more of the future." He looks up at me with those big puppy eyes I love. I can't help but feel tensed by that word. Future...

"What about the future Prince? You know I can't tell much. If I do the whole structure of your life is changed forever." I said honestly.

"Like technology and will I still competing against Michael Jackson." He jokes around. I just really don't wanna talk about this right now. Maybe if I tell him...

"Technology wise everything changes as you saw with my phone. With music and communication. It helps yet it is also dangerous." I explained while trying to find the right words for Michael Jackson. How do I explain this? "As for Michael, you two still weren't close friends but supported each other. That's it."

"You are hiding something." He got up pointing at me.

"I can't tell you everything Prince. I can't tell you about Michael because that's only if I was his guardian angel."

"So what you act like I'm going to tell the world." He shrugged.

"I just can't okay? Why are you pushing it?" I questioned and also getting up going to the bathroom. Of course he follows.

"Why are you getting defensive? Are your hormones acting up or something?"

I turned to him rolling my eyes but took a deep breath before not ripping his head off. "Listen if I said I couldn't tell you why are you still talking about it? I have too much on my mind with tour and our child okay?"

  My tone wasn't harsh at all but I know I sound stressed out because I am. Truth be told my energy is slowly down with being pregnant and just touring. Prince stared at me for a few minutes before leaving out the bathroom and slammed the hotel room door.

"I can't do this..." I looked in the mirror at my drained face. My hands held onto the counter as I started to regain my energy before start the day. Thank you god we have a day off.


    "Okay five six seven eight."

While everyone including Prince is out and about exploring England, I'm a hotel room working on 'tightening' my moves as Prince requested from a few nights ago. Nobody knows I'm here working my butt off. Prince been gone since this morning and it's now five in the evening. I've been dancing for four hours now.
   As I worked on 'Gett Off' I heard the door open and closed. Me being me I payed no mind because I know it's Prince. Surely I was right. He sat on the couch watching me dance. I was in my zone until I messed up my spin.

"Fuck!" I yelled in anger. Prince jumped at my outburst.

"Pez chill you need to stop anyways. You over working is not good for-"

I turn to him slowly with a glare in my eyes. He was quiet as I walked over to him. "I know what I need and don't need to do. So why don't you go somewhere since you didn't wanna understand my reason for not telling you about Michael."

"Perrie. Just drop it I don't even wanna talk about it anymore. Get dressed we are going somewhere." He says while I mentally think to myself. As I stared at him I realized that I need to spend as much time with him before I go.

  I went to go change into a outfit. Prince watched my every move at the door of the bedroom. The tension was killing us but what's killing me is that I can't break it to him. My pregnancy will go be quickly since of my 'powers'. It's June now but by September I'll be having this baby. I won't have an enormous stomach but I'll have something. Once the baby is born I have to go. Our child is going to keep him going and I'll never see him again.

 Our child is going to keep him going and I'll never see him again

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  "You look beautiful Perrie." Prince came up behind me resting his chin on my shoulder. My hand rested on my stomach while smiling.

"Thank you. Come on let's go do something. I'm hungry." I stated making him laugh.

"Your always hungry but that's let's go."


Hellooooo😇 Hope you like this little chapter❤️ I'm sorry for these slow updates it's just School and I'm getting lazy and need motivation sometimes😔

It's officially like four or five more chapters of this book😭

I'm tryna update all my book this weekend soooooo wish me luck😂🙏🏽


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