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Same day

"What you had to talk to me about?" I sat on the bed looking at Prince who was smiling big.

"Today you didn't realize something."

I looked at him confusingly until it hit me. How could I forget this important day?

"My album! It release tonight and....THE PARTY! What I'm going to wear?" I got up rushing to the closet. Prince followed behind chuckles.

"Perrie baby calm down. I got this girl,you just need to go to the hall and practice with the band. Didn't you make a list of songs your performing?" He asked. I stopped to think where I put my notebook where I wrote them down in.

"Okay I remember. Now I need to find my book." I looked around the room. My eyes lay on the black and white book on the dresser across our bedroom.

"Alright well you practice and I'll be down soon. Oh and we are going to First Avenue then by midnight it's to Glam Slam,Kay mama?" Prince happily wrapped his arms around me after I got my notebook. I smiled widely while nodding my head.

  We shared a kiss between us. It's something every time I kiss Prince,it sends me on a ride making me never get off. The passion and love we have for each other is out of this world. Now that I'm pregnant with our child,I know we will come closing together.

"Don't work too hard. I don't need you and our little one getting over worked." He says sternly but sweet. I giggle then pecks his lips again before talking.

"Of course my love."

Our little one💜......


  This is going great. Rehearsal is perfectly good and Prince is just sitting back doing is side changes and effects.

"Take it from..." Prince paused into the microphone as he sat in a chair in the middle of the concert hall he has. " 'OMG' then 'Grown'. That's good Pez?"

"Yup fine by me. Let's do it guys." I said into the microphone then getting into my mood for singing once again.

Oh my gosh, I did it again!

The drums kicked in as I bounced my shoulders. My eyes continue looking at my boyfriend as he taps his foot
with a smirk on his face.

I don't even know how I did that
Need a round of applause
Just like cream to a kitty cat
Lining up at the door

I don't even know how I did thatNeed a round of applauseJust like cream to a kitty catLining up at the door

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