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Same Day

After our little talk of that guest on tour,I moved passed it. Since jealousy is what he see when Daya is around him and that I am jealous. Then we'll see about that. I might be with child but I still can get down. Well at least for a few months till I start looking like a balloon.

We are now about to head to the sound check for tonight. Well actually Prince left out already because I was taking a while so I convinced him to go without me and I'll met him there.

I'm just now finishing up my hair then putting on a black beret. My body was looking killer in this outfit I got together. Since I've been with Prince my sense of style gotten a bit better and on top of it's the nineties. The best era of style.

Once I was happy with my appearance, I called for a car  to take me down to the stadium

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Once I was happy with my appearance, I called for a car  to take me down to the stadium. They should be her in ten minutes so I grabbed my things and headed out.

When I was walking down the hallway after locking up the hotel room, I saw a familiar person waiting at the elevator. As I walked closer I realized it's my main back up dancer,Algee Smith. He's basically the one I dance with mostly throughout my set. I haven't seen him for since a week before we came on here. Algee is a nice guy and got some moves. We are actually the same age too.

"Gee! What's up mate?" I said after tapping his shoulder. He turned around with a bit of a mean mug but then realized it was me. He smiled.

I can't lie he's one fine piece of chocolate.

"Pez! Hey Ma,I haven't seen you in a minute

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"Pez! Hey Ma,I haven't seen you in a minute." He gave me a hug and I returned the gesture.

"I know love. But we'll see a lot of each other on tour. I'm on my way to sound check now." I told him as we stepped into the elevator. He pressed the first floor button.

"I was actually going to the stadium too. Just to check it out before the show. Me and other guys was practicing all this morning without ya in my room. We cleaned up a few steps." Algee says with a smile. I swear boy have some perfect white teeth.

I know what y'all thinking....Don't worry I know I got Prince and he's basically my life. But ain't nothing wrong with looking right? Or admiring?

"Aww man. I wish you lads would have told me. I would have came down but if your going to the stadium,you can show me a bit what y'all fix." I explained to him and he nodded along. We reach the floor and Algee leaded me out the elevator with On of his hands on my back.


We waited around in the lobby on the car. I couldn't help but comment on his silk colored long sleeved shirt. These the shirts I really love,especially on Prince.

"This is a nice style. Very up to date." I said with a smirk. Algee shook his head smiling while rubbing his bottom lip with his thumb.

"Thanks. You look nice too Ma. P letting you out like this?" He joked as I rolled my eyes. Prince and Algee are good friends actually. That's how I met Gee.

"Well I can dress anyway I want and no he doesn't cause it's not that bad." I giggled. "Now the outfits tonight is a different story. Nobody saw them but me and the stylists. Maybe I'll show you if you keep your big mouth shut."

Algee put his hands up in defense while cracking up because he knows it's true.
"You know I got you Perrie. I'll like to see the beautiful outfits you came up with."

I smiled a bit and we continued talking until our ride came. Of course paparazzi was outside waiting for a picture. Me and Algee was escorted out into the black car with people going crazy seeing Me.

"Is that ever annoying to you?" Gee asked as we drove off. I shrugged.

"Sometimes but it's the price of fame,ain't it?"


"Yo Man is still on stage." Algee pointed out as I look up seeing Prince on stage with The New Power Generation.

We walked closer to the stage to sit in the front row for a bit. Prince saw me coming with Algee. The smirk on his face grew as we sat down.

"Let's go through Diamonds And Pearls." I heard him say into the microphone. The band responded and began playing.

"He wrote this about you?" Algee asked.

"Um I don't know why you asked?" I looked over at him.

"It's such a beautiful song. And your the beautiful girl in his life. Two and two together." Algee said so honestly. I can't tell my face was turned red by the seconds.

"Uh thanks Gee. I honestly don't know if it is but thanks you." I spoke out easily and he quickly said welcome.

My eyes then connected with my boyfriend on stage singing this amazing song and playing his heart out.

"If I gave you Diamonds and Pearls,Would you be a happy boy or a girl?, If I could I would give you the world. All I could do is offer you my love....

Maybe it is about me?

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Maybe it is about me?

After they went through the whole song,Prince came down to us. He slapped up Algee like the long time friends they are.

"Hey man what's up?" Algee says.

"Nothing much brotha making music and with my girl. You ready for tonight?" Prince said while wrapping his arm around me.

"Hell yeah baby. Can't wait." Gee told him excitedly.

"Great. It's good to have ya on tour man. I'll catch up with y'all later." Prince says then looks over at me. "After me it's your sound check so stand by Pez."

"Gotcha Skip." I smiled before he kissed me then running off.


Heyyyyyyyyyy! Hope ya like this chapter and a new added character. If you watched The New Edition Story you know who exactly it is😊 Algee Smith is Fucking Bae asf💕😍


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