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Three Months Later
💕Perrie 💕

     Throughout this time on tour I've grown in many ways. Mentally,Physically and Spiritual. Prince still doesn't know about me leaving soon. I'm technically about seven months but I'll be ready any moment. Every day is a challenge because who knows I might give birth tomorrow. I've been switch out on tour with Carmen Electrica. I still travel with everyone though. Prince wants me by his side every moment and I don't mind it at all.

We are in America now. While Prince is rehearsing I'm out in one of these shops in downtown Houston, Texas. I've been writing down in the diary since I've known I don't have much time left. I'm leaving it for Prince and Our Child. It's hard to try to be happy but knowing that I have to take this all in. I know I was told I'm going to see him again but it's not going to be the same.....or is it?

"Is that all Miss?" The cashier asked. I bought a hat for me and Prince. They both were purple with sparkling glitter.

"Yes. Thank you." I payed for my things then left the store. People was waiting outside for me. Since the news of me being pregnant got out it's been crazier for me. Luckily I got security with me so we got outta there quickly.

   I just wanna go back to the hotel and rest before to show. My feet hurts and so does my back. I ate like four tacos earlier so I have some pain in my stomach too. It wasn't long before I opened the hotel room door and kicked off my shoes. I wobbled in the bedroom seeing Prince sitting on the bed on the phone.

He looks up at me in anger yet relief. "Oh god! Never mind she just came in. Thank you." Prince hangs up the phone quickly then gets up.

"Was you looking for me?" I asked stupidly. He sighed softly.

"Uh yes! I've been calling you since four and it's six now. I left rehearsal early because I didn't know what was going on!" He yelled. I jumped a little but simply went up to him.

"Baby I was fine. I just went shopping." I kissed his lips. "I'm sorry I missed your calls honey."

   Prince wraps his arms around me and kissed my forehead sweetly. "It's okay just let me know when you leave out mama. I have two people to worry about now. I don't know what I would do if something was to happen to either of you."

I dare not look him a the eyes as he talked but I glanced at my belly. Prince grabbed my hand leading me to the bathroom. I was bit confused until he started running bath water. I let go of his hand and began undressing.

"My body is killing me." I moan out while trying to unclasp my bra. He helped me out with taking off my clothes.

"I know baby. A warm bath will help a bit" Prince kisses my neck before help me into the water. I thought he was going in to but he sat on the side. "Relax Mama."

I was a bit tense but I laid back letting my hair sit in the water and rested my hands on my stomach. Prince grabbed a cloth then dip it in the water. He let the water run down my legs. "What happened with rehearsals?"

"You was on my mind. I couldn't concentrate without not talking to my baby." Prince smiles slightly. I blushed as he began washing my body.

We began talking about random things until it was silent. My eyes connect with his and honestly I was shaking.

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