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January 4,1992

He just doesn't stop.

"Prince,I'm not making an album. Just drop it." I said for the last time.

"You are! If I say you are then you are. Why you gotta be so damn difficult?" Prince ran his fingers through his hair as we was locked up in OUR room.

  Since I moved to Paisley Park,it's been non stop arguing and misunderstanding. He's always being starting something or bringing up stuff on tour. I can't take it no more because it's getting very annoying. Now Prince got me lock in our bedroom because I'm not agreeing with him.

"I'm not difficult and I'm not making an album. You don't fucking get that I'm here just to save you. But of course I ended up doing unnecessary shit." I started just saying anything coming to my mind. Prince wasn't facing me but he is now.

"What you mean unnecessary shit? Are we unnecessary? Because we can surely end this right here and now! I really don't need to have to be your man,honey." He shouted in my face. I flinched at his actions.

"Unnecessary shit is like being apart of NPG and you know you hate because the way I dance in front of them." I said while looking at him deeply. "And that how you feel? Well then,whenever you want to end it. You come find me!"

I pushed pass him and unlock the door. My feet ran down the hallway,going to the elevator. I looked back and saw he wasn't even chasing after me.


I went down to the first floor and grabbed my hat from the living room before leaving out the door. I walked over to one of Prince cars that I have the keys for.

"Why in the hell you think your going?" Prince came outside with no type of winter wear. I looked back at him.

"Go back inside before you catch a cold

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"Go back inside before you catch a cold. I'll do your little album,just leave me be for awhile." My voice cracks because I'm done with his fighting with him. He walks closer but I got in the car and started the ignition. He ran over and start pulling at the door handle. I put on my seat belt not paying him any attention. Prince then bangs on the windows like a maniac. I kept my head straight and drove off out the gates of Paisley Park.

I'm sick of being treated like I'm nothing. Maybe he'll realize that I'm not trash but a human being.


My drive was peaceful going to the lake where we always come down to. I felt like driving away from him was best before I actually loose my mind. It's not that much snow out right now.

I parked the car and got out,walking towards the frozen lake. The sun was surprisingly out and shining but I took of my sunglasses.

I heard a car coming and I already know it's him. I looked back to see a limo pulled off. Prince came down to my view. I turned away and walked up to the car. He run in my way.

"Prince,why are you here?" I said.

"Because I love you and I want to apologize." He says as I rolled my eyes.

"For what? For basically saying you don't want to be with me." I snap at him. He grabbed me by the arm aggressively.

"Yes for that. I didn't mean it okay. You know I just get little-"

"Furious at stupid little things." I cut him off and that earn me a mean eye roll.

"Listen Perrie,it's something I've been stressed out about and I've been on the fence to tell you about it." Prince looks away but I broke away from his grip. I touch his face.

"It's about Warner Brothers ain't it? Prince I told you,that you can ask me any thing." I scolded him.

"I know but you can't tell me much about it. I just want to know what happens after." He says and I smiled at his pleaded.

"I'll tell you guess. Come on,let's go." I grabbed his hand but he stopped me.

"I'm really sorry baby. I didn't mean what I said. You know I love being with you."

"I feel the same way. I didn't mean what I said either I was just upset but I'll do it." I spoke as we walked towards the car. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and a squeeze on my bottom. I couldn't help of blushed at him.

"You know you look good in these jeans." He added on to more on my red cheeks.

"Skipper,we just was arguing now you think you can just-" He pushed me against the car,kissing my neck.

"We always kiss and make up. Let's make the car." Prince says while opening the back door. I push him off of me and got inside.

Prince crawl inside then closes the door. We kissed each other hungrily. He was already undoing my pants at the same time.

I think you know what happen next....



"Perrie- ahh fuck!" I yelled as she deep throat me in the back of my car. She was looking at me with her innocent eyes which made me grabbed on to her hair,pushing her down on my member.

Once I came,Perrie was still going. My eyes was rolling to the back of my head. Legs was shaking and my heart was pounding.

Perrie lick every single drop of me. I pulled her on top of me,kissing her madly.

"Did you like that?" She asked. I was out of breath. All I could do was nod my head.

"Baby,you know? I think we should do this more often."

She smiles at me as I rubbed back. "Argue or Car sex?"

"The second one for sure. I love to sit here all day with you but we have to get home before it starts snowing." I said. Perrie and I got dressed the went in the front. She got in the driver seat and start the car.

On the way back we talked about my situation with Warner Brothers.

"So I what?" I asked after she explained everything.

"You changed your name. To a symbol actually. You never went by Prince again until the beginning of the new year of 2000."

Mmmmm...Yeah that sounds like me.


Hello🙏🏽 Sorry this chapter is boring and short but I wanted to post it😌


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